Fat Princess Trophies

Zuler, our resident Trophy hunter has been at it again. This time he’s stolen a march on the rest of the industry and using some top secret Trophy hunting techniques has tracked down the 21 Trophies below, yes you’re reading that right they’re all bronze which personally I’m surprised about for such a high profile PSN title. Fortunately you don’t need to employ such drastic Trophy hunting techniques because we’ve collected them together and locked them up in one place, which you can access using nothing more than the link in the nav-bar at the top of the page.


Oh, It’s On!
Kill 10 enemies with any combination of classes in online games

Got wood?
Deliver 15 resources of wood or metal to the team’s stockpile in online games

Half the Calories Eat Twice as Much
Feed the Princess 1500 calories of food in a single online game

I need a hammer…
Build 30 Castle upgrades or Siege Weapons in online games

This is Caketown!
Block 100 projectiles with your shield in online games

Shish Kebab
Kill 50 enemies using the Fire Torch upgrade in online games

You’re Not Cooking…
Kill 100 enemies with Fire magic in online games

Father McHealy
Heal teammates for a total of 500 hearts in online games

Don’t Make Me Slap You!
Slap 20 objects out of enemy’s hands in online games

Little Pecker
Kill an enemy as a chicken in an online game

Fed Zeppelin
Rescue the Princess by using the enemy’s Catapult in an online game

Who’s Your Daddy?
Kill 6 enemies within 1 second in an online game

Chubby Chaser
Protect and escort the Princess 20 tims in online games

The Dark Side
Kill 200 enemies by only using Dark Magic in online games

Ring Sting
Heal, Burn, Curse and Freeze 6 characters at the same time in a single online game

Operation Eagledrop
Fly 2000 meters in online games

Kill 88 enemies in a single online game without dying

Kill 2253 players online with at least 50 kills using each class

The cake is not a lie!
Complete The Legend of the Fat Princess

Gluteus Maximus
Defeat all Gladiate arenas

Cake or Death
Win 100 online games