Starhawk Space Combat Trailer

Can Starhawk get any more awesome? Judging by this new trailer, the answer is a firm ‘Hell yeah!’. The new trailer shows combat on, above and below an orbital platform.

Source: YouTube


  1. I like it. Taken the best from warhawk, and made it work better. TRANSFORMING HAWKS DAMMIT!!

  2. WOOO!

    That was great!

    Been waiting for Space gameplay and that was pretty damn awesome. Animations look great and so does the game on a whole. Can’t wait.

  3. That looks amazing, I’ll definitely be getting this next year.

  4. Mind = Blown.


    • Okay. I shall do that.

      • *snatches money back and gives to Dylan Jobe*

  6. That looks the absolute chuddy chud chuds. Best trailer for a computer game I have seen I think. Excellent stuff and well looking forward to this now.

  7. Nang & peng.

  8. Looks awesoome…

  9. Never played any game in the series but I have to say this one looks great.Looks damn good.

  10. Wow, space just got a lot louder.

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