Merry Christmas

It’s Christmas morning, and you’re here on TSA reading this little message wishing you a great day. That makes us really happy too – it makes us feel all warm inside, as if we’ve already filled our bellies with turkey, stuffing and all the trimmings, though we haven’t actually got to that point just yet.

Christmas, to me at least, has always been about that sense of community you feel in the weeks leading up to it, the week or so after before you return to work and, of course, all of the time you spend with your family on Christmas Day. That same sense of community is found every single day on TSA, as we chat about the games we love in the comments section and in the forum.

Some of you have been here from the beginning, others for maybe a year or two and I already know a few that just joined up in the last few months. Some of you might have even found this post through Google or from a retweet on twitter. Whatever the case, you’re part of the growing community we have.

You might not celebrate Christmas. That doesn’t matter – this isn’t an exclusive or time-sensitive message, we just want you to have a really special day, whatever you’re doing. And while we won’t have any more content today, we’ll be back with more features for you to lazily digest on the 26th of December and beyond.

Some of you may have even got a PS4 or Xbox One today. It’s really exciting that a Christmas such as this has come, after several years without a new generation of console. We hope you have a really good time with your new systems, playing your new games or just spending time with your family.

Merry Christmas from TSA.


  1. Merry Christmas!

  2. Happy Xmas everyone. Hope you all have a fantastic day, no matter where you are or what you’re doing!

    Eat, drink, and be merry :-)

  3. Merry Christmas everyone \o/

  4. Your all awesome and amazing. To the TSA staff and the members of the TSA community, merry Christmas and happy new year.

    If anyone is getting a PS4 today (like myself), feel free to add me-PSN name same as TSA name :)

    • While my Vita’s been downloading NfS, I’ve noticed you’ve been on and off all morning. Enjoy the PS4 dude :)

  5. Merry Christmas to all at TSA towers & the TSA community, have a great day :)

  6. Merry Christmas to both the TSA staff and the amazing community. Hope everyone has a nice day.

  7. Happy Christmas everyone!

  8. Have a lovely Christmas, all. Ours (me and Hannypoppie) has gone a bit tits up with travel, etc., but plan B has been put into action. :-)

    Looking forward to playing Puppeteer (PS3), Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag (PC), The Wolf Among Us (PS3) and maybe a few other things too. Who’s to say, eh? *opens up Steam Sales*

  9. Merry Christmas folks have a good one ;)

  10. Merry Christmas All.
    (Hope your PS4s, are working correctly ;)

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