New Gears Of War: Ultimate Developer Diary Is All About History And Passion

The folks over at The Coalition have just released a nice developer diary for the upcoming remaster of the original Gears of War, though you could just as easily say it’s about the Gears franchise as a whole. The video mostly centers around Rod Furgesson, who is now the studio head at The Coaltion, but you’ll also see the likes of Phil Spencer and several developers currently working on the game.

As someone who put around 1,000 hours into the original Gears of War, I like how passionate they seem to be about doing this project right and letting gamers experience the original game in a slightly newer light, though I am little concerned at the bit where they talk about using several other studios to help compile this game in under a year.

Gears Ultimate is launching on August 25th on Xbox One, and later in 2015 on PC.

Source: YouTube


  1. Cannot wait for this!!!!! xD

    • You don’t need to, the video is posted above! ;)

  2. It’s the way he tells em..

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