Kara Is Back As David Cage Reveals His New Game, Detroit

Heavy Rain creator David Cage has just took to the stage to explain that the huge response to his Kara tech demo has inspired them to create a new game, Detroit. The title follows directly on from the end of the demo and tells the story of android as she enters the world.

However it’s not the world she expected, with the androids subjugated and treated like slaves. As to be expected from Quantic Dream, the game will explore some heavy themes including the biggest question of all, what does it mean to be alive?

The trailer is all in engine, but not representative of gameplay.



  1. Well, the in-engine stuff looks pretty impressive and QD always deliver in that respect anyway. Presumably gameplay won’t be too far removed from that of their previous games – and that’s perfectly okay by me. I really liked the Kara tech demo as a self-contained story but there was always that “i wonder what happens net” aspect about it.

  2. *next .. godammit :)

  3. Surely that is the psycho girl from tv show The Following. Emma I think her name was.

    • It is. But she was killed off shortly before I tuned it of the site, so she should be available for this.

      • Tuned out of the show, that is.. Wow, perfective text sticks ;)

    • She’s in house of lies as well. She plays a right dirty minx in it ;)

  4. I’ve got to say this game had me most excited when this was revealed. I loved Heavy Rain but I thought Beyond: Two Souls a bit average, the only reason I got platinum out of it was because it was free on PS Now Beta. I’ll forgive B:TS was average because Heavy Rain was too good.

  5. Yay!!! Excited and loved the trailer

  6. What does it mean to be alive? Sounds pretty deep. These themes have been explored with androids before. But I’ll be interested to see what Cage does with it. Two Souls was very good.

  7. After all the philosophical implications of how do we define life, does a machine have the right to live, I thought:
    this is a game about Chappie in a hotter, female version. But Chappie made me cry so this game will make me…?

    *somebody finish the sentence :p

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