Trials Returns With Trials Rising, Coming In February 2019

A little slapstick and showmanship goes a long way, especially when you’re announcing a new Trials game, which is really all about crashing time and time again on  your way to eventual success. Trials Rising is looking to reinvigorate a series that lost its way in the last few years, coming to PS4, Xbox One, PC and Nintendo Switch in February 2019.

Ubisoft will be hosting a closed beta some time between now and then, which you can sign up for at

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I'm probably wearing toe shoes, and there's nothing you can do to stop me!


  1. Totally unexpected but awesome news! Trailer looks fun but I’d like some more basic stuff too like the early games.

    • They had a fellow on stage talking about how they’d brought the community in to completely overhaul the tutorials. Should hopefully mean it ramps up more gradually.

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