For the fourth time since launch, Sony is about to spend a million pound pushing a PS3 game, and after success with campaigns for Motorstorm, Resistance and Ratchet & Clank (due this Friday in the UK) they’re hoping for similar results with Uncharted, which isn’t due until mid December.
Product Manager Phil Lynch said “A million pounds goes some way to illustrating how we want as many people as possible, both lifestyle and hardcore gamers, to see and play this title. We’ve recorded all of the footage for our Uncharted ad directly from a PlayStation 3 console, which we’re very proud of. We’ve booked extensive 16 to 34 male slots for November and December, and the ad will be in cinemas from the end of November through to December.”
There’ll also be an extensive partnership with Empire magazine, and plenty of online advertisements to ensure maximum exposure to the AAA game, which could be as big for PlayStation 3 as Crash Bandicoot was for the original machine.