We’ve not watched a ‘scene demo’ since Budbrain back on the Amiga, and that Red Sector Megademo. They were the days, seeing how many bobs you could push at once… Anyway, those days have passed, as demo group Plastic have been working hard on something realtime on the PS3 that is apparently the best visual showcase on any platform, including the PC. For those not familiar with the concept, this isn’t a game (although Sony have trademarked Linger In Shadows, which could be related eventually) but something you watch and everything is rendered real-time, nothing is prerecorded and played back as a video.
Naturally, this post doesn’t mean much without the actual video, but seeing as the demo event was only yesterday, we might still see it yet. In the meantime, check out the source of the story for some small caps and more information on the demo. Whether Sony will push this out over the PSN or whether they’ll work more on it to turn it into some kind of game we’ll have to wait and see…
Update: you can download the demo from here.