Ubisoft Still Like Their CG Trailers

Hey, you! Yes, you. You suck. That is right. You see, Beyond Good and Evil was an awesome game and you didn’t play Beyond Good and Evil, but wait, what is this? Is that Generic First Person Shooter #257 I see tucked away there in your game collection sandwiched in between #256 and #258? Passed on BG&E, but you still got those games though, didn’t you? Now go stand in the corner of shame and think about what you did.

Lucky for you though, and in fact lucky for us all Ubisoft recently held Ubidays 2008 in Paris, an evening in which they focus on new games. Unfortunately Ubisoft seems to continue thinking this is 1994 where CG trailers are all the rage. So the videos they showed for the different games, among them the new Prince of Persia were all cinematic CG trailers with no game play footage whatsoever, underwhelming to say the least.

But we forgive them this one time because one of those CG trailers showed off what is undoubtedly a sequel to 2003’s criminally snubbed brilliant game, Beyond Good and Evil. The platforms have not been announced yet but it is pretty certain we will see the game sometime on our PS3’s. So, guys, buy it this time, ok? Either that or sleep with one eye open.