Exclusive: Tekken 6 PS3 Trophies

Tekken 6 will contain 50 Trophies – all of them unlocked by our very own master of unlocking, Zuler. Don’t ask him how, he’d only have to beat the crap out of you if he told you.  Seriously.  There’s 50 Trophies in total – 11 secrets on top of the list below making up the numbers.


Give Your Fists a Rest
Defeat an enemy using a weapon in Scenario Campaign Mode.

Night at the Movies
Unlock a movie in Scenario Campaign Mode.

Treasure Amateur
Collect 50 treasures in Scenario Campaign Mode.

Treasure Enthusiast
Collect 100 treasures in Scenario Campaign Mode.

Enemy Hunting Amateur
Defeat 300 enemies in Scenario Campaign Mode.

Enemy Hunting Enthusiast
Defeat 1000 enemies in Scenario Campaign Mode.

Playing With Fire
Defeat 100 enemies with the Flamethrower in Scenario Campaign Mode.

Heavy Artillery
Defeat 100 enemies with the Gatling Gun in Scenario Campaign Mode.

Ready for Action
Pick up 300 health recovery items in Scenario Campaign Mode.

Brute Force
Defeat 100 enemies with the Lead Pipe in Scenario Campaign Mode.

Thirsty Fighter
Pick up 50 drink items in Scenario Campaign Mode.

Crate Breaker
Destroy 100 wooden crates in Scenario Campaign Mode.

Alien Hunter
Defeat 10 aliens in Scenario Campaign Mode.

King of the Hill
Knock 10 enemies in the water in Scenario Campaign Mode.

A Friend in Need
Rescue your downed partner 3 times in Scenario Campaign Mode (single player).

Combo Amateur
Perform a 10 chain combo in Scenario Campaign Mode.

Combo Enthusiast
Perform a 30 chain combo in Scenario Campaign Mode.

Upgraded Assistant
Upgrade Alisa to the highest possible level.

What’s So Special About It?
Obtain the Special Flag in Scenario Campaign Mode.

Learning is Fun
Clear the tutorial stage in Scenario Campaign Mode.

Moving On Up
Win a Ranked Match in Online Mode.

No Pressure
Win a Player Match in Online Mode.

Fighting Amateur
Play 3 matches in Online Mode.

Fighting Enthusiast
Play 10 matches in Online Mode.

Arcade Addict
Clear the Arcade Battle in Offline Mode.

Team Toppler
Defeat 3 teams in Team Battle in Offline Mode.

Survival of the Fittest
Earn 10 consecutive wins in Survival in Offline Mode.

Practice Makes Perfect
Inflict a total of 1000 damage in Practice in Offline Mode.

Ghost Vanquisher
Defeat 30 Ghosts.

Love That Money
Collect more than 5,000,000 G.


Item Connoisseur
Obtain a Rank S Item in Scenario Campaign Mode.

Treasure Master
Collect 200 treasures in Scenario Campaign Mode.

Enemy Hunting Master
Defeat 2000 enemies in Scenario Campaign Mode.

Scenario Expert
Clear all of the stages in Scenario Campaign Mode.

Combo Master
Perform a 50 chain combo in Scenario Campaign Mode.

Fighting Master
Play 30 matches in Online Mode.

Machine Crusher
Defeat NANCY-MI847J.


No Key For Me
Clear the Millennium Tower stage without the boot-up key in Scenario Campaign Mode.

Gallery Completionist
Complete the Gallery.