Exclusive: Peggle and Peggle Nights Trophies

The game had just made it to the US Store, and we here at TSA are the first to give you a sneak peek at the full trophy list. Along with it, we also have the list for Peggle Nights, the DLC that released alongside the game. Without further ado:



Catch the Fever
Cure your need for fever with Extreme Fever.

Clear all the pegs in a level. It’s pretty extreme, but you look up to it.

Be Cool
Hit the last orange then the last blue to rack up a Cool Clear.

Free! Free! Free Ball!
Rack up the score or hit the bucket for 3 free balls in one shot.

Party Master
Winning a Peg Party is way better than playing with a ball of yarn!

Rock Lobster
Win a PlayStation®Network Duel like a crustacean born. ‘Ave you tried ze flippers?

People’s Ovation
Win a 4-player Peg Party by a whoppin’ 100,000 points to acquire everlasting coolness.

Stylish Project
Bust out all your Skillz, Bounces, and Slides for 1 million style points!


Peggle Graduate
Complete Adventure Mode and earn your degree from the Peggle Institute.

Peggle Professor
Complete every level in Challenge Mode and even the Peggle Masters will be impressed.

Ace of Adventure
In a peg defying feat, score 20 million points in a single play-through of Adventure mode.


Doctor of the Peggle Arts
Clear all pegs and bricks in every level in Quick Play or Adventure mode and gain explodious fame!

Peggle Nights-


Peggle Ph.D
Complete the Peggle Nights Adventure mode. You’ll know everyone at the Peggle Institute!

Complete all of the challenges in Peggle Nights Challenge mode.

Purple Necklace
Using Marina from Peggle Nights, hit 13 purple pegs during a single level in Adventure or Quick Play modes. Pretty!

There are no secret trophies here. Enjoy!