Zombie Cow Studios and Channel 4 will release Privates, a game promised to be like no other. Sometimes we get press releases here at TSA that make us smile but it’s rare that we’re sent something that literally makes our eyes boggle right out of their collective sockets in total disbelief. You’re making what?!
Promising to “explore some pretty unique gaming environments and concepts,” Privates is set, well, in your privates. Bitingly satirical at Britain’s (and elsewhere it should be added) sexually irresponsible “pram culture”, the game stars a “gang of condom-hatted marines as they delve into people’s vaginas and bottoms and blast away at all manner of oozy, shouty monsters.” Like gonorrhoea and syphilis no doubt.
Streets are teeming with “pregnant waddling teenagers” blind to the fact that their “rampant, perpetual humping has filled them to the brim with all manner of grotty infections.” We couldn’t make this up if we tried. Actually, we could – but this is still genius.
Dan Marshall, founder of Zombie Cow Studios, says:
“Privates is a totally crazy concept. It’s very exciting to finally be able to reveal what we’re up to. Channel 4 have been awesome in giving us a load of money and then keeping pretty quiet no matter how filthy and objectionable the content became. It’s gone really well.”
The game consists of five 3D environments, a fully-voiced comedy script, twin-stick shooting and a “nutso soundtrack.” My spell-checker doesn’t know what “nutso” is, but I’m assuming it’s pretty good.
The PC version will be free while the 360 version (no PS3 version is mentioned) will “probably cost a little bit of money.”
We officially can’t wait for the ratings board to get their hands on this one. This is going to be hilarious. After all, it is technically promoting safe-sex. In the most irreverent of ways, of course.

Source: Weirdest Press Release EVER.