Meet the Reader: ProjectJAY

So outside of gaming, what do you do with yourself? Obviously being a student, there’s some drinking involved…

Not as much as you’d think! Type 1 diabetes make’s that a bit difficult, but I do what I can.

As far as pastimes other than gaming go, I’ve been playing the bass guitar for seven years. Like all kids I wanted to try learning the regular guitar but I liked the sound and feel of the bass more. I listen to a lot of music as well as play it, I can’t live without it! I’m a HUGE Michael Jackson fan, like, bigger than you can imagine. I own all the albums, know all the lyrics and all the useless trivia.

I do listen to all kinds of music, though, mostly from the last century. I’m not a big fan of what makes it into the charts these days.

I often wonder who is!

It must be the parents who buy all those singles.

Is it alright if I ask what you’re studying at university?

Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering. I usually just tell people “Software” for fear of scaring them off!

So, you plan to create Skynet?

*marks tally of the number of times he’s been asked that question*

I fell into your cunningly laid trap!

You, sir, are about to be terminated.

Then lets speedily change the topic to how you discovered and decided to sign up to TSA?

I think it was during a time where a lot of stuff was getting uploaded to the PS Store (you can see where this is going) and I wanted to find a website that listed everything released that week. That’s how I found TSA.

After I came back the third time I started perusing the articles. They had a kind of banter-like quality I didn’t get from other gaming sites. And then I looked at the comments for each article… No fanboy rage, no “firsts”, no obvious trolling. It was like a dream come true, a place on the internet were games could be discussed intelligently! I signed up in an instant.

I was a bit of a lurker until the first Modnation Racers tournament was announced, though. After that, I felt like I had successfully mingled.


Ah yes, a competition that you won, beating Manorhowze in the final! Do you reckon you could have successfully defended your title in the second tournament?

Like a boss. There was something about that game that I just got. Yamster won the last one, right? If he’s looking for a challenge…

I’m usually quite a modest person, but when it comes to MNR I know I can dominate :P

It was indeed Yamster, so I guess it’s on!

He’s on my friends list last time I checked. Gauntlet’s been thrown, Yammy!

Moving along to the articles of TSA, what is there that stood out for you, with regards to the features?

I’ll read pretty much anything that pops up on TSA, mostly for the banter in the comments, but I think I can say with confidence that anything that Tuffcub posts gets me laughing. The man’s a legend.

He should get his Massive Poll out more often, say I. Have you listened to the OMM podcast much, or at all since your return? I’m just asking to see if I can ask the next question.

I think I listened to the episodes where Blair talked about Pokemon: Black/White, because I was addicted to the game at the time. I’ve been meaning to get caught up.

I won’t hold it against you, I was wondering if you were able to answer the Snog, Civil Partnership, Smother question.

Blair for all three.
In that order.

Kill him, then marry him, then snog? How delightfully perverse!

We all have our guilty pleasures. I also like Disney films, for instance.

What do you think is the best one? Not including Pixar.

This’ll probably get a couple of chuckles, but I’m deadly serious… The Little Mermaid. Absolutely brilliant movie, and that’s even including Pixar, actually!

Did you have Disney themed pyjamas when you were younger?

I was all about Thomas the Tank Engine, actually. Has the miniature train set and all. This is bringing back a lot of memories!

We’re totally run with this tangent here. Have you seen any of the new Thomas?

I wouldn’t dirty my eyes with it, it’s Ringo Starr as the narrator or nothing.

Good man! And on that note, I think we’ll bring this to a close. Do you have any final words for all your adoring fans?

I’d like to thank both the TSA team and its community for being, without a doubt, the bestest gaming community on the net. I would happily meet up with you all for a drink.

Secondly, my friend Nick and I like to review new games, look back at old ones and generally comment on the happenings in the industry. All with age-appropiate humour and whimsy. If you guys have some time to spare, we’d really appreciate it if you checked it out!

Thanks to ProjectJAY for doing the interview. If you’d like to put your name on the end of this huge sign up list, the thread can be found here. Come along next week to meet a personal idol of mine.

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  1. Welcome back Sasquatch…*Cough…sorry…Jay. That was a pretty great Modnation tournament that we had and the regular meets using our own custom tracks were a good laugh :)

    • Oh how I do miss those Mod Nation meets, they were great fun, especially my tracks, they were the best ;)

      • Your tracks were indeed legendary but for all the wrong reasons. :P A MNR meet again would be cool to see what the hell you can create these days.

  2. I remember the first time I met you, the quarter finals of the MNR torn, I thought I was really good but you thrashed me! :(, We’ll have to play Burnout again sometime, so I can show you how to play a proper game ;)

    • At least you went down with style ;) Dignity, not so much :P

      I did really enjoy those Burnout meets :) Single-player was mostly a miserable affair for me, though.

  3. Awesome job, thanks Tef :)
    Not to sound ungrateful or anything, but I think the link at the end might be wrong… :S

    • I have no idea at all what you’re talking about ;)

      (Fixed :)

  4. was the PS2 first released in 2001??
    awesome read tef =) i also miss the MNR meets… havn’t played modnation since i got the plat… should maybe download the DLC for it… is it any good??
    and JAY: if u love modnation and Thomas the train i recommend to download my thomas the train on ModNation=) its awesome!! :P
    wonder how things would have turned out if JAY was racing in the MNR tourney?? guess we’ll never find out… =)

    • It was first released at the end of 2000, I just hadn’t saved enough by the time it came out :P
      I’m keen for going back to MNR now, see if I’ve still got the touch. I’ll be sure to investigate your Thomas mod ;)

  5. My, what big eyes you have! Excellent stuff, fellas, a very good read.

  6. Jack, I like you!

  7. Welcome back Jay, not only can you beat me at MNR you also beat me on shoe size. Remind me never to play Top Trumps with you.

  8. Oh yeah sorry for calling you ProjectGAY on the forums haha!

  9. The Little Mermaid; now THAT is a good movie!
    Still know all songs by heart. Maybe because it was also one of the very few VHS I had when it came out :p

  10. hello jay welcome back.

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