Here at TSA we love giving stuff away when we can. It feels good to give and give and then when it hurts we give some more. Then we realise it’s hurting and stop. We can be a bit slow like that. Anyway the purpose of this rather odd preamble is to let you know we’re giving away something for free. That’s right we’ve got five copies of Bodycount on PS3 to give away to you, our lovely readers.
What’s that? You don’t know anything about Bodycount? Well why not take a look at this here review? Feel informed now? Well what if we told you a little about it? Bodycount has everything from multi-route levels to destructible cover as you work through the campaign, hunting down the aptly named ‘Target’ – a relentless enemy hellbent on manipulating world events. With that in mind, hopefully your appetite has been well and truly whetted which brings us neatly to the competition!
In Bodycount the good guys are called “Network” and the bad guys are called “Target”. We want you to come up with new names for these two factions in the comments section below and the five that we deem the best will win a copy of the game on PS3. The more creative or funny the better!
Also look out for another competition coming up very soon to win another new release, you would be dead-upset if you missed it.
Terms and Conditions
- Normal terms and conditions apply.
- This competition is open UK residents only.
- There are five copies available.
- One entry per person.
- The judges decision is final.
- This competition closes at 9:00pm on Friday 9th September BST.
R4U Eldave0
Spartans vs Elites
^^ They stole pretty much every other aspect of that game from other FPS’ so why not the team names too ;)
I would call the factions “Clunky” and “Repetitive”. You side with “Clunky” since that’s how the demo felt, and the enemy are self explanatory. You could not give me this game, sorry. Perhaps the full game is improved but it’s unlikely I’ll try it after the demo. It’s a real shame as I’ve been a huge fan of Codies.
Alternatively perhaps an anagram of Bodycount…..the good guy could be called “Dooby”, and the bad guys…..
LOL – I like clever c*nt jokes!
*applauds* Utterly superb! hahahahaha :-)
You can’t beat them! :)
Lemmings Vs Box heads?
I dunno, I quite like Target, describes what they are quite perfectly.
‘The Nation Of Domination’ v ‘The Coperation’ or ‘Gandalf’ v ‘Dumbledore’
*Sorry ‘The Corperation’ BAD Spelling Mistake!
im gonna go for ‘Rioters’ and ‘unnamed-capital-city-police-force’
as the rioters seemed unstoppable when confronted with a destructible environment…even stealing some of it for laughs, and they just walked over the ‘unnamed force’.
Too soon? :)
its never too soon!
Origami Killer
The Demo was bad, I expect the full game to be bad, it reminds me of a bad curry on a Saturday night so I’m calling the factions: Diar and Rhea. If you are eating your breakfast at the moment I apologize.
4.30am. Not quite breakfast but my memory isn’t that bad. :D
Origami Killer
Lol :L just realised I should be really saying how I would like to get the game, comparing it to a bad curry isn’t the best of moves…
Sony and Microsoft? :-0 I’ll not say which one is which! ;)
admins (good guys) vs trolls (bad guys)
Shits (self-harming irritating terrorist soldiers) vs twits (terrorist-whacking irate terrorist shooters).
Rhwydwaith – Welsh for Network :
Targed – Welsh for Target (haha as if you couldnt tell)
And Just for Good measure, Lets change the title to Welsh :D – CyfrifCorff – Means Bodycount. Lesson over Kids ;)
How would you pronounce that? ;)
Origami Killer
hon ewyllysia enilla ;) doesn’t look welsh but it is :L
*Google Translates*
Mae’r iaith yn wallgof!
Thats welsh for LOL ;)
Origami Killer
joining in the trend of ;) have no idea what G enemy has said :P
O canfydda , fel ‘r Cymraeg all chofnoda namyn ‘r Gwyddeleg all t – anghyfartaledd rears ‘i s ‘n anhardd ben ail! ;)
Welsh people need to marry Hawaiins. Hawaii has way to many vowels in it’s words, Welsh has too few.
AAAAHHHH too much Welsh this early in the morning. My Welsh limits at name, age, where i live, and a few words on top of that. Suprisingly i still got a C in Welsh listening :)
I’m Welsh and there’s too much Welsh! ARGH! :-p
Origami Killer
I have an A* GCSE in Welsh ;) but my brain hurts from reading this…
Croeso i’r echelin y chweched – Cymraeg rhifyn haha
I didn’t get to take welsh, I was too bad. Only lived here 16 of my 18 years of life…
I didn’t even think there were this many Welsh people in Wales for fucks sake! Where did you all come from???
Scotland. Everyone on TSA is from Scotland. Didn’t you know? ;)
Flaming Turkeys
I got an A in Gcse welsh yet i have no idea what anyone is saying :L