With the game only days away from hitting stores, a new Battlefield 3 trailer has been released. Hopefully TSA will get the chance to review the game and give it a thorough going over.
Check it out below.
Source: YouTube
With the game only days away from hitting stores, a new Battlefield 3 trailer has been released. Hopefully TSA will get the chance to review the game and give it a thorough going over.
Check it out below.
Source: YouTube
This trailer blows any right out of the water, licking my lips for next week!!!
The Lone Steven
It looks good. I think BF3 has risen from my get when very cheap list to get when i actually have cash list and then get brutally murdered by my wallet list. I wonder when EA will let TSA review it?
No idea. I’m sure a few of us will buy it anyway. Trailer = awesome, but it’s not difficult to pick out the best bits… We’ll see.
The Lone Steven
I suspect the jet level will be a favorite amongst TSAers. I wouldn’t be surprised if you or one of the staff have already preordered it and plan on using that for a review. :)
I. Need. This. Game. Now!
I was pretty excited for the MW3 sp, but, I’m looking forward to this even more now!
Holy hell, really glad I pre ordered the game yesterday now…
Can’t wait until next week when i can get my grubby mitts on this!! Oh well, guess i’ll just have to tide myself over with batman until then!
That’s a shame. :D
It’s a hard life man…it’s a hard life…
I know – I’m not sure how i’m gonna make it through.
I’ll give it my best shot though! :)
Ohhhh it’s an amazing trailer. I cannot wait for next week. Must complete Batman: Arkham City in time for Battlefield 3!
Oh wow.
Can’t wait until Thursday, Battlefield delivered + a week off work…. Hmmmm must get some beers in
is that a beer i see in your hand soldier???? lol
What is the name of that music? D:
Check here
DJ Judas
That would be the Battlefield theme :)
Well, the iteration of it for BF3 anyway.
Toby M [Dexter17]
Might have just persuaded me to get a pre-order in. Maybe.