Anomaly: Warzone Earth Lands April 6th

Anomaly: Warzone Earth will be landing on XBLA on April 6th, the original version of the game having graced one of those poncy Mac things.

The game will be available for 800 MS Points and the team has released this rather humorous trailer.

Source: YouTube


  1. It’s quite good actually, enjoyed it on my phone too, just not sure how well it’ll work with a controller.

    • Looks like it’s a port of the PC/Mac version, so you’ll controller an army dude who you can move independently in order to pick up the power ups and such. Then with face buttons and stuff you’ll be able to set them to use and change routes etc. etc.

  2. Great game. Buy it!

  3. I have never seen a player look so bored while playing a game.
    I have this on Steam, haven’t gotten round to playing it yet.

    • Me too, not interested to play it much though.

  4. Damn.. exclusive

  5. It’s as much an advert for the 360 controller as the game which was barely shown. Microsoft must be pleased.

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