Wrath Of Heroes 0.19 Is Live

BioWare Mythic’s latest update for F2P MOBA, Wrath of Heroes, comes packed with various additions and tweaks.

Available to download right now, 0.19 ushers yet another melee powerhouse into the ever-growing roster. Olwyn Shieldbreaker is essentially a walking tank; not exactly the fastest hero of the lot, though she will prove incredibly hard to shake off once latched onto a target.

Mythic has also introduced a new item class in the form of potions. As with most conventional fantasy beverages, potions will restore health instantly, reducing the need to detach from battle and take cover. It may sound like a cheap cash-in though it’s fair to say that a quick health replen will hardly tip the scales, despite their deadly potential in the hands of savvy healers.

Masteries have also been reformed, multiple characters now being able to equip the same loadouts. Mythic also detailed a new feature in which players can redo Mastery trees, allowing them to access Masteries they may have sold the first time around. Heroes now come with a rental option too.

For more detailed updated, please refer to the game’s official blog update.

If you’re looking to break into Wrath of Heroes but haven’t really got a clue what it’s all about then keep reading. We’ll hopefully be bringing you a series of guides for each of the game’s simple-to-use heroes as Wrath of Heroes continues to expand. Who said MOBAs had to be so complicated?