Buy Zone of the Enders HD, Get Metal Gear Rising Demo Early

During Konami’s pre-E3 show, Hideo Kojima announced that buying Zone of the Enders HD would get you early access to a Metal Gear Rising demo.

Whilst he didn’t go into details as to how the demo would be obtained (we would guess a code and a download), at least we know that it’ll be there. Not that we needed any more convincing when it comes to buying ZOE HD, of course. He also confirmed that the demo would be available via PSN and XBLA at a later date.

You can watch Konami’s pre-E3 show here if you like, it’s only half an hour long.

Source: Joystiq


  1. Hopefully the code (if it is one) will be included in the Vita version.

    • And hopefully it will be for a Vita version of Rising.

  2. Sweet, even more incentive :) I’m keen to see how Rising turns out.

  3. Just like the good old days when ZOE was released the first time.

  4. yeah, this reminds me of mgs2 with the demo given away with the original zoe.

    and how misleading all the material put out about the game really was and how it barely starred snake at all.

    is history about to repeat?

    is rising actually going to star snake for most of the game?


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