First Images From Quantic Dream’s “Beyond” Appear

I’m starting to think that AllGamesBeta is basically an FTP for someone with a direct line to games developer’s hard disks. These images, again without source or provenance are supposedly from David Cage and Quantic Dream’s next project: Beyond. This is set for a reveal at Sony’s press conference from E3 tonight and their friends over at Official PlayStation Magazine have further spoiled the surprise with a tweet from their editor.

Oh, it’s on Insight Factor as well. Looks good, probably a target render though, right?

Source: AGB


  1. I feel a slight tingling sensation coming from my never regions….Oh i was sitting on my phone!

    But really cannot wait to see what David Cage has to offer i have said this 50 times Heavy Rain was the best new IP this gen.

  2. Wow….

  3. Looks fantastic, can’t wait to see more!

  4. interesting, i can’t wait to see more.

    anybody else get an Ellen Page vibe from that third pic?

  5. Looking good, can’t wait for the full reveal!

  6. Quantic Dream? Bloody wizards with the PS3 tech!

  7. How high is that truck in pic 6!! Can’t wait to see more of this. David Cage and his team are geniuses.

  8. The tweets been removed (not surprisingly), what exactly did it say?

  9. Fuck yeah! :)

  10. So much stuff!

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