Guerilla Games has posted the second part of their Killzone HD Re-Developer Interview and revealed further information regarding how they recreated the PS2 classic.
While redeveloping the game, the team has fixed a number of bugs that were present in the original, including a “couple of pillars that the player could just walk right through.” The bug was spotted moments after the orginal game went gold and as Killzone was released in the days before console hard drives, there was no option to patch the game.
Senior Programmer Frank Compagner said that textures for the game were originally created at twice the required resolution and then downscaled to fit on the PS2, this has proved rather convenient as it means the HD version can now use the textures at full resolution.
The controls have also been tweaked so they are “more familiar” to players of Killzones 2 and 3 but the ability to jump has not been added as it would “require extensive changes to the levels, to prevent players from climbing out of the geometry.”
Guerilla had deliberately stopped players from jumping in Killzone, describing it as “almost like a statement against other shooters of the time.”
“We wanted players to have a visceral, realistic experience, and that meant preventing them from traversing our game by bunny-hopping or rocket-jumping,” commented Guerrilla Technical Director Michiel van der Leeuw. “Even when we re-introduced jumps for the obstacle-heavy terrains in Killzone 2, they were ‘weighty’ jumps – not perfect parabolic arcs, but the sort of short leaps a heavily packed soldier would make.”
LTG Davey
May have to borrow my brothers PS3 at some point to play through the original Killzone. It really was quite brilliant at the time – in fact all three are great :)
Taylor Made
So excited for this I love 3 games in this world & killzone series is among my 3. I only knew of killzone on ps3, K2 had the most complicated controls ever but loved it
I could never get used to the complicated controls of K1… I could never seem to be able to jump!
not sure if you are trying to be funny, I just hope you are.
Taylor Made
Lol it’s a joke, I take it since you can’t jump in K1
@double-o-dave I had the same issue with Home!
The trilogy is going to be sweet!
Huge fan of Yeh series. Spent many an hour on the beach level, playing against bots.
Sniping from the tower was muchos fun.
Oh hell yes! The beachhead level vs bots was epic. Good shout!
I recall the metro/ train station level being pretty awesome as well.
My nostalgia for this is starting to kick in now, just remembering how awesome it seemed at the time.
I hope it’s not just me(?) but I hated KZ1. Loved 2 & 3, but 1 felt underdeveloped and the controls were not easy.
I was pleased to read that Guerrilla have tweaked the controls for the HD edition. I tried playing the original recently but what had dated the worst (for me) was the controls.
I always felt that the KZ2 jumps were really heavy, but it was all just part of the experience, dam i miss that games multiplayer, if only it was easier to find a decent server. ( rockets turned off to prevent assault class spaming them with the dam body armour )
Uh.. my PS2 had a Harddisk.. where was my patch ;-)
It came with the Linux kit with a Playstation branded mouse and keyboard. Keyboard had an USB hub in it so you could connect mouse and other things, this was very handy.
Used the HDD port on my PS2 to retro-fit the network adapter and play online with it.
There was an online patch for KZ1 MP on PS2. It is stored on the memcard, and requires something like 1 MB of free space IIRC. I tested it three or four years ago out of curiosity, and was surprised to see a dozen of people still active and happily sniping around through the walls with hacked save games.