News Snatch: Home On PS4, Call Of Duty: Ghosts And F1 2013

The oldies amongst you will recall the wonderful Gamesmaster TV show and that at the end of the program they transmitted a “databurst”, loads of pages of text flashing across the screen at high speed. The idea was that you recorded the burst on your VHS and then at a later date, used the pause button to view the pages.

It never worked.  However it does give me a nice introduction to today’s Snatch which is an “Oh my god I have so much to do before the TSA staff pub meet tonight” databurst special!

So here we go, all the facts, no filler and certainly no jokes about football being like an RPG because they go down like a lead balloon.

Tally ho!

A trailer for Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX which focuses on the Disney bits.

Call Of Duty: Ghosts has been given a 16 rating rather than the usual, more mature 18 for the first time since 2008’s Call of Duty: World at War.

Codies have released a new “hot lap” taken from F1 2013, this time it’s the classic Brands Hatch track.

“Just for clarity with our next gen trade in offer, you can cross platform e.g 360 for PS4 but must be the same game,” tweeted GAME Bluewater.

Nintendo are claiming that The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD is a system seller.

“It is the perfect time for Zelda fans to discover Wii U,” said Roger Langford, product manager at Nintendo. “For many Zelda fans, this is the first time that they’ll discover Wind Waker and we’re treating the game as a triple-A new release.”

In this new trailer for Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, actor Matt Ryan introduces you to some of the main characters you will meet in the game

Is Home coming to PlayStation 4? A sharp eyed Redditor spotted a tiny slice of what appears to the be the Home icon on a PS4 display.

The PS3, PS4 and Vita versions of Minecraft will use the same underlying code as the Xbox 360 version so will launch with everything currently available in update 13.

Wonderbook: Book of Potions and Wonderbook: BBC Walking With Dinosaurs have been rated by the ACB, so they should be released quite soon.

A quick trailer for Valhalla Knights 3.

To celebrate the series’ 10th anniversary, a Walking Dead Gamejam has been announced. Winners will get all sorts of goodies and the blessing of creator Robert Kirkman and a Steam Greenlight key, allowing them to continue the game with the potential of a digital release.

David Cage is being very French again and talking about the game he is making after Beyond: Two Souls.

“People should expect to be surprised again, because this is really what we try to do with each game – not give people what they expect, [but] give them something they want maybe without knowing this is what they want.”

I like to think he twirled a pencil-thin moustache after saying that.

Just Dance 2014 will launch with some free DLC: Katy Perry’s massive smash hit, Roar.

The impressively-bearded former Gears of War/BioShock Infinite developer, Rod Fergusson, has formed a new studio for 2K and is working on something secret.

Atlus, who were recently bought out by Sega, have posted teaser page counting down to something Persona-related on November 24th.

Worms Revolution Extreme hits the PlayStation Store on October 8th in the U.S. and October 9th in Europe, priced at $14.99/£11.99/€14.99.

Lifetime sales for Nintendo’s 3DS handheld console have overtaken those of the Wii in Japan.

And Finally, the first documenatary about Mighty No.9.


  1. News on Sunday, terrific.

    Glad to hear about the CoD rating. I remember when MW2 came out, and the younger folk constantly being asked for ID which they didn’t have.

    Minecraft is also good news. Nice to hear that it won’t be left out in the cold with very little support.

    Valhalla Knights 3 looks pretty decent as well. I wonder whether we’ll have an EU release…

  2. Since when has COD’s age rating mattered? Half the people I play against online are probably younger than 18.
    Hopefully though it means that there’s no pointless controversial scene just to grab headlines, so at least it looks like IW/Acti are maturing.

  3. wasn’t the databurst thing at the end of Bad Influence with Andy Crane and Violet Berlin, who i totally had a crush on.

    i was hoping next gen versions of Minecraft would feature bigger worlds, as i assumed the small world size was down to memory limitations, which aren’t such an issue on PS4 and X1.
    well, they still could i suppose, and they’ll just have the same set of features with a larger map.

  4. The Home icon is intriguing, especially as i thought they were going to wind down the service.

    Nice to see a bit of news on a sunday, seems like the perfect place drop this link in.. Some “reliable” info about the PS4 UI, although we’ll have to treat it as rumour for now..interesting stuff though..

  5. I thought World at War was quite gnarly! I always find WWII stuff more graphic than these near-future super hi tech shooters.

  6. The release of the latest in the F1 series this Tuesday certainly seems to be creeping in under the radar this year. Hardly surprising mind, hopefully my classic edition should arrive on time….choices F1 or GTA online :(

    The article could have been called “Brands Snatch” this week…..sorry I’ll get my coat! :^

    • Doh! Scratch that, F1 2013 releases this Friday I was mixing the days up for some reason. Monday it is then :O

  7. I really like the characters they showed off in the AC4 trailer. It seems like they are pretty diverse and interesting in their own ways. Can’t wait to play it as my first next gen game.

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