First PlayStation 4 Trophies Revealed With The Playroom List

The first ever trophy list for the PlayStation 4 have appeared online, detailing what you have to do to get the Gold trophy for 100% completion in The Playroom. The game will be pre-installed on PS4s for free, though will require the PlayStation Camera to play it. The full list is available to see below and it contains twelve trophies.

  • Lovely Meeting You – Release ASOBI into your room. (Bronze)
  • Honey, I’m Home! – Make ASOBI loney and return to him. (Bronze)
  • Secret Night Club Create a little beat routine for the AR Bots to dance to. (Bronze)
  • Wait! Is it one, two and we go on three? – Stay synched up and release the AR Hockey playfield. (Bronze)
  • Lightning Speed – Score by using a boost attack. (Bronze)
  • Don’t try this at home… Splash the screen during a celebration (Bronze)
  • Boo! – Play Peek-a-boo with the AR Bots. (Bronze)
  • Eye for an eye – Punch ASOBI and let him hit you back. (Silver)
  • Flight of the Bot – Send an AR Bot flying against the screen. (Silver)
  • Lights out! – Turn off the lights in the AR Bots’ house. (Silver)
  • Super Rally – Make a rally last more than 10 hits. (Silver)
  • Master of THE PLAYROOM – Find all THE PLAYROOM trophies. (Gold)

These all sound like they’ll be quite easy to unlock, which will allow people to get used to the camera. Double Fine, the developers behind The Playroom, will also be releasing free DLC for the game so more trophies could appear. As we get closer to the November 29th release date expect more trophy lists to make their way online.

Source: PSN Profiles


  1. Perhaps the also leaked shooting trophy list is for the DLC?

    • Nah, it shows up as a different game everywhere.

  2. Wasn’t expecting trophies for Playroom, thought it was just a tech demo.

    • The Vita has welcome park which essentially was teaching you the various functions of the device.
      That had trophies.

  3. I initially thought of Play Room as a tech demo too but having heard that other studios are interested in developing for it I am hopeful that it will become a hub for free mini games and promotional content like many of the PS Home spaces were.

    While Home was inherently rubbish, some of the spaces and content had a certain appeal so I think the same idea but in an infinitely more fun package could be a great little thing for PS4.

  4. Looking forward to having a good play around with this on the 29th :)

  5. Still trying to see if its worth getting the camera, at the moment my pre-order is the standard ps4, with AC4 coming a week before the console is released ….it will torment me

    • I’ve been wondering about the same thing. Do we know of any other real uses for the camera, apart from The Playroom, yet?

      • I’ve had the camera on pre-order from as soon as it became available on Amazon. I’m now having second thoughts: playroom looks fun in a lightweight kind of way, this is the first time I’ve heard of it being extended via dlc, but I’m struggling to see a compelling reason to buy the camera at the moment. My move and nav controller are gathering dust, but I’m yet to hear of anything move-compatible on ps4.

      • The way I view it is that any major third party title will support the basic functions of Kinect and PScamera. For example, on 360, there are a few game case cover art that say, “better with Kinect.” Now it will have those functions on both and pertain to the lowest common denominator (camera hardware). As for exclusive support? That could be a complicated answer.

  6. Playing peek-a-boo with the little robots is pretty adorable.

    The celebratory splashing was a bit odd.

    Lovely little showcase of what the system can do, though.

  7. Pre-ordered the camera yesterday at Gamestop for £37.97. I thought “why not?”

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