I know EA doesn’t listen to me. I know this because I’ve spent an entire console generation talking quite publicly about how fantastic it would be to see them rejuvenate the “Strike” series and they’ve always ignored me. I’m not even totally sure I can take credit for this news, to be honest, but I’d like to try.
That’s right, EA has registered two new trademarks, relating to Desert Strike, with the US Patents and Trademark Office. The first one is to secure Desert Strike as “Computer game software; Downloadable computer game software via a global computer network and wireless devices; Video game software.” while the second one is in relation to “Entertainment services, namely, providing an on-line computer game; Provision of information relating to electronic computer games provided via the Internet.”
That all sounds like something with a significant online multiplayer element to me, but that’s hardly surprising. Desert Strike (and its sequels, Jungle, Urban, Soviet and Nuclear Strike) were isometric shooters in which you flew a helicopter around a map, fighting enemies and rescuing friends. There was a healthy element of resource management too. They were brilliant.
The closest we’ve come to something like the Strike series was last year’s Renegade Ops from Sega, which was quite enjoyable in itself. Hopefully EA is planning something big for the series and hopefully we’ll hear more very soon. Now, how about that Road Rash, eh?
Source: Fusible
I bet they’ve got the microtransactions sorted already. They just need to build the game around them…
Man, the name Desert Strike takes me back a bit. If I remember correctly the Strike games were amongst the best games that were released for the Sega MD. Them were the days.
Loved Nuclear Strike, really hope if they bring it back then the keep it very similar. To be honest if they just remade it exactly the same but with modern visuals and controls then I’d be a happy bunny.
If you’re looking for a reboot of Road Rash, then look no further than Road Redemption – http://www.roadredemption.com/. I guess they got fed up of EA sitting on the license and decided to do it themselves.