News Snatch: Velocity 2X, Rocksteady’s Next Game And Goats

Well this is just wrong as far as I am concerned, Lightning is getting a Lara Croft costume for Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XII.

Strider has got a release date and it is February 18th in North America and February 19th in Europe.

Food News: McDonalds next Happy Meal promotion in the UK will be Mario and Chums.


“These have been all around Europe already, and are actually quite nice little figures. I made my better half spend half an hour on a Friday night in Spain queuing for a Toad, back in October,” explained my source.

Phase 2 of the Elite: Dangerous alpha has begun, check out the new trailer.

Movie News, where Batman: Assault on Arkham is a forthcoming animated feature set in the Batman: Arkham Asylum universe. It will be directed by Justice League: War’s Jay Oliva.

Staying in the world of film, the new Hitman movie has a new Agent 47 following the death of Paul Walker. Baldy will now be played by Rupert Friend, known for his role in US TV drama Homeland. Joining him will be Spock, a.k.a. Zachary Quinto, although it is not known what role he will play.

A story trailer (in Japanese) for forthcoming Vita title, Soul Sacrifice Delta.

Satya Nadella is Microsoft’s new CEO and not, as I thought, a new type of hard drive. Stephen Elop moves to become the new chap in charge of Xbox, a man who last year was thinking of selling off the console arm of Microsoft.

“We’ve been hard at work putting together an Alpha build of Velocity 2X on PS4 for Sony. A video exists, which you’ll see very soon, but for now here’s some tasty PS4 screenshots,” say Futurlab.

THIS IS NOT A JOKE: On April 1st (yes, really), Namco Bandai will change its name to…. Bandai Namco.

Another Japanese trailer, this time for the quite ridiculously named Hyperdimension Neptunia Re; Birth 2: Sisters Generation.

IGN Beneleux reporter, Jan Meijroos, tweeted a picture of the sign inside Batman devs, Rocksteady. He had been invited to see their new game, so you can expect a reveal some time soon.

More Japanese video with some footage for Yakuzu Inshin, which seems to being demoed on a strange version of Blind Date.

And Finally, pre-alpha footage of Goat Simulator which will already shaping up to be our.. *drumroll*.. GOaTY.


  1. Lmao @ Namco Bandai/Bandai Namco & GOaTY!

    Mario figures look dope. Gonna start force feeding my 11 month old burgers & chips, lol!

  2. I think I’ll wait for Goat GotY edition :-P

  3. Velocity 2X screens for PS4 look tasty, haven’t bought the game since the original was free on plus so this might be an ideal opportunity for me to send some cash in Futurlab’s direction.

    • The on foot sections remind me of flashback. Will be looking to pick it up for sure

  4. The Rocksteady snatch makes me very happy.

  5. Elite is looking lovely.

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