PSN Network Maintenance On Monday 21st, Yep, That’s Easter Monday

Do you think anyone in Sony owns a calendar? I work for a business that has offices across the globe and we always check for local holidays before planning ahead, for example I am fully aware that it is Vesak Day across certain Asian territories on May 15th. I also know that most of Asia and the United States will have a holiday on Good Friday, 18th April, but they are back to work on Monday 21st.

Us lucky Brits also get that day off, as do others in Europe, but apparently no one in Sony gives a flying fig about that because the PSN is getting 12 hours of network maintenance on Monday 21st/Tuesday 22nd April between 16:00 and 04:00 BST.

Online gameplay will be available to users who have  signed into their SEN account 24 hours before the downtime but with it being a bank holiday weekend- and by the looks of things, a warm one – chances are you may have other plans on Sunday.

The U.K. gets eight bank holidays, the U.S. gets ten and this year Japan gets twenty one and yet the PSN maintenance is scheduled for one of the few days we get off. It also makes a mockery of the PSN Easter sale as you won’t be able to buy anything Easter Monday.

This is ridiculous and needs to stop, now.

UPDATE: The tweet has been removed but I kept a screen grab, maybe someone at Sony is listening.


Source: Twitter


  1. I concur.

    Also, “Online gameplay will be available to users who have signed into their SEN account 24 hours before the downtime” – not always the case. I’ve logged in before then tried an hour later and not been able too!

    • I never quite understand what they mean by that… Do I literally have to sign in at exactly 16:00 on Sunday? lol
      I’ve only ever managed to stay logged in once by logging in just before the maintenance but failed on the last few occasions.

    • Also, what if you can’t make it to your PS4 but sign in on your phone?

      • Not too sure about that – I don’t think the phone App counts as it just gets info from the servers. For example I logged in from my phone about 2pm when at work. Got home about 6pm, was able to sign in on PS3 but not on PS4. Bloody annoying as PS4 is the one where we pay for PSN.

        Also, in addition to the date and time, we also seem to have this kind of maintenance rather too frequently!

  2. Indeed, it should not be that difficult for a global company to manage their maintenance schedules such that it takes place over night in the different areas at least.

  3. Sony really do take the piss for these updates in Europe. It’s lucky I rarely play online so It doesn’t affect me so much.

  4. Fuck’s sake Jesus.

    • Pretty sure it isn’t him that does the scheduling! I don’t think he even works for Sony.

      Besides which, I am sure he also has better things to do over Easter!

      • No way dude. You’re getting him mixed up with the Easter Bunny ;)

      • Just you watch, when the servers come back online he’ll have fiddled the leaderboards.

        Last year I buy an egg…getting way to big for his boots/sandals.

    • @bb, that can be very offensive to some, (muppet.)
      Oh & yes, incase your unaware/ignorant, Jesus is what Easter holiday is about to alot of people.

      • what sort of comment is that youve made? any comment can be offensive to someone else. If you found it offensive thats a different matter but you didnt state it offended you, to say some would find it offensive is a blanket statement.

        I didnt find anything said offensive. Nothing more than a couple of comments made in good fun.

      • Taken note.

      • I think E8 makes a valid point especially being Easter. Kudos to boeboe for taking note of the comment as well.

      • @bb, thanks fella.
        @pitbull, i’m not going to take the time, to think of a subtitle reply, to your shallow minded, self absorded reply.

      • (suitable)

      • (ps bb… sorry with regards to the muppet dig, it was immature & out of order.)

      • Guys let’s just have a little de-escalation here. @e8_ball, there’s no need to bring insulting language like “shallow minded” and “self absorbed” to the discussion – pitbullmern was only expressing his opinion (one that I wouldn’t say is particularly self-absorbed, incidentally). Remember what Thumper’s mum always used to say “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.”

        @Pitbullmern, I’m sure boeboe appreciates you stepping in to his defence, but it probably wasn’t action that needed to be taken.

        Everyone – well done for resolving the original dispute maturely.

        Now lets move on shall we?

      • Insulting lng, like shallow & absorbed… please.

      • Pitbullmern and 8Ball:

        Its all good.

        Agree with Kevatron (all about that TSA conflict resolution).

  5. Usually maintenance doesn’t bother me, I understand they have to make concessions for it globally.

    But this is beyond stupid. It seems the UK always gets the worst time slot and this time they plan it for a bank holiday?

  6. Come on you can’t have it both ways, you are simultaneously complaining that online gaming may be unavailable on the evening of a bank holiday AND that you are expected to have logged over the back holiday weekend, thus inconveniencing “other plans”.

    If online gaming over Easter is so vital then you’ll have logged in within 24 hours and have no problem on Monday.
    If it’s not, then carry on with other plans and don’t worry about it.

    Finally, the evening of a bank holiday is really no different to a working day as most people would have finished by then anyway, resulting in the same situation.

    All this complaining is ridiculous and needs to stop, now!

    • I am guessing that this is somewhat of a tongue in cheek comment, but all this complaining really isn’t ridiculous, as we always (& I mean always) get the short end of the stick in terms of when this sort of thing is scheduled for. America & Japan are pretty much always in their beds when this stuff goes on, but it hits us at pretty much peak gaming time for most people.

      I am not saying it isn’t necessary or that they are specifically doing it to annoy us, its just that they never consider us folks on this side of the pond. I am pretty sure that we have given them enough in terms of revenue to warrant at least a consideration once in a while!

    • No reason why they can’t run the maintenance over night

    • It’s not really ridiculous – on PS4 the service is paid for, and it’s an accumulation of the UK always being the location where the timing is during peak times. To ask for a bit of variations between time or place of the maintenance isn’t unreasonable.

      And as I mentioned above the logging in trick doesn’t seem to work consistently.

    • ridiculous? Are you serious? One thing is to like Sony, and another one is being unreasonable. Maintenance during a peak time on a bank holiday.

      No games or films from the shop to enjoy with family, or with friends that are visiting. No online gaming if you forget to log-in 24h before (or on holidays, coming back Monday morning like myself). It is ridiculous to schedule the Monday and it is outrageous for a service we pay.

    • I’m not saying Sony are absolutely right, I’m making the point that the complaints are over the top and in some cases hypocritical.

      Maintenance has to be done at some point or everyone would complain about problems that arise with “a service we’re paying for”.

      Saying this is prime time on a bank holiday is rubbish, it begins one hour before most people would normally finish work and so it really isn’t that different to it being on a non-bank holiday Monday.
      During the day remains available to play as normal.

      Are you playing on Monday evening just because you’ve had the day off?!
      Have you refused the opportunity to play at any time earlier in the day , you know during the holiday which it is apparently outrageous not to be able to game online?

      If it’s so important to play games on this particular Monday, you will more than likely already be logged in come 16:00 and the whole thing becomes a non-issue.
      If you don’t want to play games during the bank holiday then there are no grounds to complain about that as the choice of day.

      • “If it’s so important to play games on this particular Monday, you will more than likely already be logged in come 16:00 and the whole thing becomes a non-issue.”

        I beg to differ… If I get drunk Sunday night and don’t roll out of bed ’til gone 16:00 (which is a high possibility seeming I’ll have a day off work) & can’t play BF4, this whole thing does become an issue.

      • There’s also the fact that it is a bank holiday weekend, so some will be off on their travels from Friday through to (potentially) Monday – Say for example you get back on the Monday at 16:01 & all you wanna do is have a bit of online tomfoolery, you are unfortunately out of luck.

        I suppose that’s all their fault for not being online 24hrs earlier though right? :/

        That aside though, as I mentioned above, all we are really looking for is a little parity between regions rather than being treated as the unwanted spawn of an uncaring parent all the time.

      • Both if these examples amount to the same thing as it would if the maintenance was done on a work day!
        You don’t play in the daytime and the network is down in the evening.

        Where exactly does the fact that it’s a bank holiday make it any different to coming home from work and not being able to play?

        The outrage is exaggerated.

      • I said it becomes an issue, I never said I was outraged lol
        If I was outraged, I’d be one way to the nearest Sony UK outlet place with an axe! :)

  7. And me dreaming of getting my DS2 platinum in Easter… Hope many of the Sunlight Covenant remember to log-in the Sunday.

    Praise the Sun.

  8. thing is if psn was still free we almost wouldn’t have a right to complain. Once they started charging though- well thats a game changer, unacceptable

    • When did they start charging PS3 and Vita owners?

      Oh that’s right they don’t….

  9. The tweet has been removed, maybe they listened to your rant and changed plans? Nah can’t be true.

  10. The 21st April also coincides with the great PSN crash of 2011…
    ominous much?

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