Aside from the Xbox One Kinect backtrack, the last few days have been rather quiet on the news front and this is superbly illustrated by the fact that I am starting today’s Snatch with a trailer for How To Train Your Dragon 2 on PlayStation 3. Woo!
PlayStation France being cheeky about Microsoft dropping Kinect, the text reads “From 09/06: the #PS4 remains the same;-)”
The High Life update from Grand Theft Auto Online is now live and gives the option to own not one, but two – count ’em , two – apartments.
The  update also includes three new cars and a motorbike to add to your collection. The Enus Huntley S (SUV), Dewbauchee Massacro (Sports), Pegassi Zentorno (Super) and Dinka Thrust (Motorcycle) are all now available to purchase from Legendary Motorsport.
Some off screen footage of Watch Dogs running on PlayStation 4.
The Witcher 3 may run slightly better on PlayStation 4 than Xbox One.
“We are still working on squeezing the juice out of the consoles and Microsoft are supporting us in this respect,” explained CD Projekt co-founder Marcin Iwinski.
Unfinished game may be better when finished but we’re going to publish a click bait headline just for the lols. I despair for the human race, I really do.
Nintendo Working On Their Next Console Hardware
Really? You mean they just don’t sit around for a few years and make it up in the space of six months?
“Once we launch a new platform, we naturally start to prepare for the next one,” explains Nintendo boss Satoru Iwata. Why is this news?!
Would you like to see just how ridiculous the pre-order bonus, dlc and collectors edition system is? Check out this graphic which shows how many variations of Wach Dogs you can buy.
More Watch Dogs, this time a tutorial in hacking.
Need For Speed is twenty years old, making it perfectly legal to get it drunk in a bar and take it home for some dirty multiplayer action.
Some touring car action from GRID Autosport.
This is a new trailer for Disney Fantasia: Music Evolved, the forthcoming Kinect game for Xbox One and Xbox 360.
It looks like devlopers Harmonix were not forwarned about the the Xbox One news as these tweets from two staff from the the studio quickly followed the announcement of the Kinect-less console.
Oh, great. Super great.
— johntdrake (@johntdrake) May 13, 2014
Oh, good.
— Nick Chester (@nickchester) May 13, 2014
Harmonix did issue an official statement about the loss of Kinect but it reads like a game of buzz-word bingo: strategy, choices,innovative, compelling, motion experiences etc. It does appear that Microsoft forgot to tell their next big Kinect game developers that they reducing Kinect support. Oops.
And Finally, as he is rampaging through cinemas this Friday, here is Godzilla making a special guest appearance in Skyrim.
I always though of touring car > formula 1 championship, because it’s more driverVSdriver and you see the real “car fights” in the races.
That’s a point… I can’t see Microsoft being in Harmonix good books with the Kinectless revelation.
Holy crap i didn’t realise there were so many different Watch Dogs editions.