Ubisoft have teamed up with Microsoft to produce a fitness game, Shape Up, that aims to remove the tedium from getting fit. The player will perform a range of activities as they strive to achieve a buffer bod. You can dance on a piano, punch approaching asteroids and… do pushups (among other challenges).
It looks like that you can challenge yourself as was shown in this demo where the player tried to outdo his own avatar to get a high score. Of course it’ll require Kinect to be playable as it tracks how you do your exercise. Whether that will hold back sales, considering how many don’t want the Kinect, will be known after the game launches.
Shape Up is due for release on the Xbox One this November.
Adam Guest
Between this and the Halo collection I may well need to now buy an Xbox One. Bugger.
Dominic Leighton
This does actually look good! I’m waiting for Nintendo’s conference before deciding on a Wii U or and Xbox One. The funny thing is that Kinect functionality is the thing that most interests me about the X1…