News Snatch: Street Fighter V, The Last Guardian And Elite Dangerous

More E3 goodness then, starting with nine minutes of video captured from a Twitch feed showing Homefront 2: The Revolution. The quality isn’t great I’m afraid.

Sony have trademarked the smut worthy “Pinch Me, I’m Streaming” in relation to the PlayStation Now service.

Nintendo have announced Fossil Fighters: Frontier for the 3DS, in which colourful dinosuars create explosions by butting heads.

Mean Girls, reimagined as an 8-bit game.

Happy Birthday to Vidzone, one of the unsung heroes of PlayStation, which celebrates it’s fifth birthday this week. Also blowing out the candles will be Metal Gear Solid IV which is six years old.

Grand Theft Auto V on PS4 will be getting something Xbox One will not. We have no idea what it is – new missions, timed DLC, a pat on the head – but it’s something extra. Woo!

Sony are backing a new movie mixing live action and CGI featuring our very own Sonic the Hedgehog.

“There are limitless stories to tell with a character like Sonic the Hedgehog and a built-in international fan base,” Columbia Pictures president of production Hannah Minghella said. “Along with our wonderful creative partners at Marza, we’re looking to capture everything that generations of fans know and love about Sonic while also growing his audience wider than ever before.”

A stunningly gorgeous E3 trailer for Elite: Dangerous, which for some reason I can only hear pronounced in the voice of Michelle from ‘Allo ‘Allo. Eleet Danejuroos!

Street Fighter V is in the early stages of planning. “Well it is our best selling franchise” said no one at all from Capcom. “Did you expect us not to do another one?”, they did not add.
Spidey swings in to Disney Infinity 2.0.

I Wanna Sex You Up by Color Me Badd, because I’m getting tired of writing about video games and need a break. Aww tick-tock get up stop.

“It was a fun week of Last Guardian news,” said PlayStation software product development head, Scott Rohde. “At PlayStation, it’s really important to us to make sure that the creative process works. And in this case, [game director Fumito Ueda] has created something that’s great, it’s just going to need some time. We’ll show it when it’s ready.”

Work on The Last Guardian began in 2007. Since then there have been fifteen Assassin’s Creed games on various formats.

An interview with Lorne Lanning plus new footage of Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty.

Pac Man is to guest star in Super Smash Bros. and he will get his own stage as well.

Hunger is a third-person 3D action adventure game which Tarsier hope to bring to PS4, check out the concept art.
And Finally, can you do the Skyrim Shuffle?


  1. Come on TC, get it right – “Tick tock ya don’t stop”. Or was that intentional?

    • I was tired. Who cares, it’s bloody fab :)

      • Aye, it’s a great piece of throwback, but Rick The Ruler wouldn’t be best pleased with your misquote.

  2. Elite: Dangerous is looking good!

    • I think whole lives could be lost to that game. It looks huge.

      • My early teens were to the first incarnation.

      • I would in all honesty be likely to never play another game on this generation if this ever came to PS4

  3. Hey, could you do an extended interview with the developers of No Man’s Sky ? I know you had been in contact with them when the flooding happened and they are after all a British studio.
    That was I believe, not the biggest not the best looking, but perhaps the most significant game shown at E3 2014. A potential genre creating type of game.

    • Blair played it last night at E3 and basically said it was the best thing EVER. Not sure if we’ve got an interview but I expect so.

      • Thanks, that game simply felt special and I cannot get enough info on it. The devs presenting it were clearly overwhelmed and almost didn’t know how to gather his words.

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