Metal Gear Solid 4 Will Be Getting A PSN Release From December 17th

Konami has announced that Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots will be available as a digital download from December 17th on the PlayStation store. The game file will clock in at 30GB and will be priced at  €19.99, so expect similar pricing in North America and the UK. It’s the first time MGS 4 will be available as a digital download, and six years after release it holds up incredibly well graphically and gameplay wise on PS3.

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots could be considered a major contender for best PS3 exclusive, though it definitely wins the award for longest cutscenes in a game. Make sure you have plenty of snacks with you when watching those. If you’ve not played MGS 4, or fancy giving it another go though don’t have the disc anymore, then this could be a decent way to experience it.

Source: PR


  1. A remaster in the Fox engine would be lovely, but in the mean time this is good to see. Maybe Kojima has more Metal Gear news lined up for this month? Seems like he enjoys bashing out two or three batches of Snake love in quick succession.

  2. I’ve always wanted this on my Vita since buying the handheld.. Though a 30GB game might be pushing those silly little cards a little bit thin.

    Anyway, MGS4 is a superb title with loads to do, tonnes of Easter eggs and things you can easily miss.
    It’s definitely worth a play if the series interests you, though I’d recommend playing previous titles first because the story is bat guano insane..

  3. Already have 2 copies of this game so I’ll pass.
    Or is it 3 copies? Pretty sure it’s 2 but may have forgotten!

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