News Snatch: Mortal Kombat X, Persona 4, And Kanye West

Greetings one and all. I’ve got yet more bits and bobs of news from the gaming world and a lot to get through, so let’s start with a walk through of the Yakuza Zero PS4 demo, which is Japanese but is worth a watch.

The Tomb Raider movie reboot has a writer in the shape of Evan Daugherty, the chap behind another recent reboot, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

PlayStation exclusive TV show Powers launches in the US in two weeks, no date for Europe yet, but we do have a new trailer.

NBA Live 15 has been added to EA’s Xbox exclusive subscription service EA Access. It was released as a full price game less than four months ago, so that’s either brilliant news if you subscribe, or crap news if you bought the game.

More American sports, and this time it’s baseball with a new trailer for MLB 15 The Show.

Do you know what the world needs? Another Warhammer game. It’s not like there aren’t a billionty-twelve already in production (actually nine by my count), so why not throw another one in to the mix?

Due out in 2016, Warhammer 40,000: Dark Nexus Arena from Whitebox Interactive is a PC based MOBA and will feature the usual mix of Orks, Space Marines and multiplayer scrapping.

And now some dancing, courtesy of Persona 4. I have no idea what is going on, but it looks fun.

Kanye West has taken a break from crying in front of Zane Lowe and is working on a game. Now you might imagine it would be like previous games fronted by rappers, 50 Cent’s Blood On The Sand was a shooty macho stuff, but no.

The game will tie in to his song Only One, which features Paul McCartney, which is a tribute to his daughter as told from the perspective of his deceased mother.

“I’m working on a video game for Only One,” said Kanye. “The idea is that it’s my mother going through the gates of heaven, and you’ve got to bring her to the highest gates of heaven by holding her to the light.”

That sounds more like Journey that Call of Duty. Colour me surprised.

The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 has got a launch trailer. “It spoofs the Hobbit, addresses free-to-play gaming and other hot topics and even has handy singalong subtitles. Hooray!” says the PR blurb.

Darkside Games, the studio working on the Xbox One reboot of Phantom Dust, has been closed down. For some reason Microsoft decided to shift the reboot to a new team.

“We have great respect for their studio and their work in the industry,” said Microsoft. “While we do not have anything new to share on Phantom Dust at this time, we can confirm that development of the title continues.”

Namco Bandai Bandai Namco have announced Ray Gigant, a dungeon crawler for PS Vita. They usually port their Japanese games over to the west so we may see this on our shores.

Staying with Bandai Namco, they have announced that the servers to Ridge Racer Unbounded have been shut down.

And Finally, the story of Mortal Kombat X. Tata!


  1. Loving the Persona 4 dancing. Crazy.

    Kanye’s game sounds rubbish, and mental.

    • Agreed. I can’t say I’ve ever heard the song or wish to so maybe I’m missing something here, but who the hell would want to play a game about his deceased mother?!

    • Is there any truth to the rumour that Beck will be doing the soundtrack?..

      • I had heard that it was going to be Taylor Swift – Specifically featuring the song “Imma let you finish”.

  2. The Book of Unwritten Tales trailer had me giggling.I love the Persona series but this is taking the milk now,how many games now based around Persona 4?

  3. Anyone who buys Kanye West’s game will be taken off of my christmas card list.

  4. Kanye west……..LOLZ

  5. Kanye West. Someone cap this foo’! Biggest cunt on road.

  6. Dunno know the hatred over kanye, he makes good music

    • I particularly likes his innovative and artistic use of large portions of crowds chatting during his Brits performance. So avant garde!

      • Musicwise brilliant producer, produced most of Jay Z music, he maybe be a twat outside music but he’s a talented individual

    • College Dropout and Late Registration were amazing albums (Late Orchestration at Abbey Road is incredible) – I’ll always like him because of those – but I think it went to his head, not enjoyed his stuff as much since, and to be fair he is a bid odd now. ;)

      • Agree those will remain kanyes best work but I think now he’s trying push hip hop somewhere else, try new things to cater to different audience like Run DMC did with Aerosmith & Adidas, everyone was skeptical about it but it worked

    • It’s very simple. He comes across as such an arrogant, self-absorbed mess of a media-creation that he’ll hopefully implode and disappear up his own arse.

      I care not for rap but I can tell you one simple thing. Kanye West has risen to the top of “who bunimomike knows from the rap world” with veritable ease merely because he’s such a loathsome oink that I wouldn’t mind if he exploded for a variety of reasons.

      Hope that covers it. :-)

      • Disagree kanye rose to the top before being how he is now. He was too producer mostly for Jay z & the doc-a-fella and produced for other few artist along with his mentor NO.ID. When his mother passed away he became a wally & all.

        But each to their own

      • You can’t disagree with my opinion. It’s my opinion! *sticks tongue out*

        Seriously, though… I’m not on about his own rise to the top of rap or when his craziness kicked in. I’m just on about him appearing on my own radar. That’s all. :-)

      • There’s also the fact that no-one knew him as a producer. At all. Now everyone knows him as mostly an arse.

        He did create some good music when he first hit the scene (examples listed above), but now he just seems to make music that few like & seems to do anything that causes a bit of controversy or fuels his ego.

        Nothing against the guy personally, but he does make some strange decisions.

      • I couldn’t even name a single record he’s done. I’m guessing I’ve probably heard them on the radio but I wouldn’t know unless someone pointed it out. That really is not my kind of music. Give me a guitar and I’m happy.

    • I genuinely love Kanye. He’s like a sitcom character, yeah, but is music is incredible and he certainly won’t be forgotten.

  7. Gayfish!!

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