GameInformer has revealed some new information regarding Gears Of War 4, including when it is set and who players will be accompanied with. First of all the next entry to the series is set 25 years after the events of Gears Of War 3, and players will take on the role of JD Fenix. He is Marcus Fenix’s son who joined COG but went AWOL after an unrevealed incident. His closest friend is Delmont ‘Del’ Walker, who went to boarding school with JD, and he joined COG at the same time. He also left at the same time down to the same mysterious incident.
Joining these two is Kait Diaz who comes from a different background to the COG soldiers. She grew up with a group called The Outsiders, people who live outside the walled cities that most of humanity now reside in. She hasn’t had much experience with COG forces either. Gears Of War 4 will take a lot of inspiration from the atmosphere of the original Gears, and will also feature two player local co-op.
Source: GameInformer
25 years….. Damn.
Does anyone know the release date?
Really hope the multiplayer will be awesome and less wall bouncers with shottys
A whole new multiplayer build would be great. First one was good whilst it lasted, but some sort of lag compensation and dodgy hit detection ruined it. I don’t mind wall bouncers as long as I can shoot them without fail and show em what a douche they are :p
I do believe this game is pencilled in for later this year, Q4 I think.