The digital version of the Gears of War 4 Ultimate Edition available on the Xbox marketplace includes the base game, Season Pass and pre-order bonuses. It also includes access to the game four days earlier than everyone else on Friday 7th October.
It’s a marketing plot by Microsoft to get people to buy the digital edition, for which they get all the revenue, rather than the boxed game, the profits of which are split between Microsoft and the reseller. However, it does seem a little unfair when those who pay the bug bucks will get a head start in the multiplayer.
You can read Matt’s thought about the recent beta for the game here.
Source: Xbox
I’m considering paying the bug bucks and getting a digital copy anyway, so the additional days early is just a bonus I’ll likely spend in single-player.
They did this with Forza 6 as well, so I’m not surprised and I don’t think this’ll be the last time it’ll happen either.