Buy Gears Of War 4, Get Entire Series For Free

Due for release on October 11th, we found out at E3 that Gears Of War 4 will be launching on both Xbox One and Windows 10 as part of Microsoft’s “Play Anywhere” strategy. One cool little bonus that wasn’t brought up, however, was the extra content fans can expect when they purchase the sequel later this year.

The Coalition’s studio head, Rod Fergusson, confirmed that anyone buying the game will gain access to the entire series, completely free of charge.

It’s a fantastic offer for Xbox fans, though we’ve yet to hear any confirmation as to how this will work. Chances are, buyers will receive codes to unlock the games via Xbox One’s backwards compatibility scheme. It’s feels a little too soon for Microsoft to be giving away its recent Gears Of War: Ultimate Edition, though fans can always keep their fingers crossed.

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Senior Editor bursting with lukewarm takes and useless gaming trivia. May as well surgically attach my DualSense at this point.


  1. It would be tasty if they gave UE away, it’s going super cheap in several places at the moment.

    The offer sounds like the same one that accompanied UE actually. I think it was play the game whilst connected to Xbox Live, and get the codes in the next batch of messages. Most people interested will probably have the collection, but it’s a good second opportunity for those that missed out.

  2. I don’t have an XBox but that’s an excellent sounding deal, good job tapping that nostalgia factor.

  3. Took them until April this year to send my codes out, gears 3 is still the gem of the series.

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