With a few of our writers on their way to EGX 2016, next week’s instalment of WWP will hopefully be crammed with plenty of new and upcoming releases. In the meantime you’ll have to stick with me, so pull up a chair, lend an ear, and be sure to let us know what you’ve been playing in the comment section below.
Taking the helm for this week’s edition, I’ve been doing an awful lot of gaming. To start the week off, I found myself firmly entrenched in Ni No Kuni, the wonderful Level-5/Studio Ghibli mash-up that came to PlayStation 3 back in 2013. Although I have long fallen out of love with the genre, there’s an undeniable charm that continues to draw me in. With Ni No Kuni 2 currently in the works, that’s enough of an incentive to see the original game through.
Adventure games are another odd bunch I rarely have time for. Strange, then, that I managed to blitz through the superb Virginia, as well as Microïds’ Syberia. Released in 2002, it definitely falls in line with older point and click titles, though intrigues with its peculiar plot and cast of characters.
Overwatch continues to sit on the bench with Star Wars Battlefront temporarily taking its spot next to Uncharted 4 in my daily dose of multiplayer action. We’ll have more about both games next week, including their recent Death Star and Bounty Hunters expansions.
Tef’s been getting a little confused this week, having played some “Destiny: Rise of the Tomb Raider”. What he means, of course, is that he’s been sampling the latest Destiny expansion, Rise of Iron, coupled with the upcoming return of Lara Croft to PlayStation 4. Our other resident Guardian is Jake, who has also found himself with little time for anything outside of Bungie’s ever-growing sci-fi shooter.
Tuffcub has also been suffering from this spate of single game syndrome, having played and review The Bunker. Although not everybody’s cup of tea, its FMV thrills were enough to smudge over some of the game’s downsides.
Meanwhile, Aran’s had a lot on his plate these past couple of weeks, especially when it comes to reviewing sports titles. With PES under the belt and FIFA in the pipeline, he’s also been playing NBA 2K17 which he says is a bit grindy and not quite as good as last year’s instalment.
It’s been a fairly light week for Dave. He’s been playing some Mario Party: Star Rush before settling down with BioShock: The Collection. Having just bought a new PC, he’ll no doubt have more to report next week, once he manages to get it to boot up properly, that is.
Finally we have Miguel, who’s been playing some lesser known titles on PlayStation 4. Alongside Tohou and Psycho Pass, he’s put some hours in SMITE, the deity-duelling MOBA from the folk at Hi-Rez.
And now it’s your turn. What have you been playing this week, chaps?
Just got Ratchet and Clank Platinum half an hour ago so been playing that and completed it twice. Also Platinum Until Dawn aswell and only played through it twice for two different endings.
Played a bit of Fifa Demo and a wee bit more on my cousins Xbox 1 for the EA Access.
No idea what to play next as my Gears and Mafia isn’t until the 7th so might just continue with Strider or any of the PS Plus games.
Good work Del! R&C is next on my list, I’ll probably start it next month. I’ve been playing a bit of Hawken, probably not a popular game but it’s a great bit of speedy mech combat for any old Mechwarrior fan.
I also got my DS4 Wireless Adapter working on all games thanks to a clever person on Reddit fiddling with DS4Windows. I can totally recommend it now!
Thanks Ron =D yeah it was a good fun blasting the enemies and love the two other weapons. If you do Holocards the weapon becomes more powerful on 2nd playthrough and is even more fun.
I got my Xbone S yesterday with FIFA 17 and I’ve got to say I’m less than impressed with FIFA. It’s another if your player is faster than the defender you score. I’m really impressed with Xbox One S though. Also I’ve been playing PES 2017 (which is great), GTA V (Xbone) and a few other games that don’t scream out what they are too me.
I’ve mainly been concentrating on the games I picked up last week.
Got stuck into Nightmares from the Deep and got the platinum last weekend.
Then I was jumping between Unepic and Absolute Drift.
Finally got the platinum for Absolute Drift late on Wednesday night after struggling with a few of the midnight track challenges (specifically the perfect drift line challenges).
Finished my first play through of Unepic yesterday after almost giving up on it entirely due to the final section of the game. After playing what is essentially a 2D platforming action RPG (in my case, for 17 hours) the game decides that it is going to make you switch between the regular gameplay and a horrible tower defence/horde mode kind of thing and if either of the 2 characters die you have to do it all again. Another annoying thing (if you enjoy collecting trophies) is the fact that the trophy for getting 10,000 kills has to be done on 1 save file instead of spread out across multiple plays … when I finished my first play through I had roughly 3,500 kills so I basically need to farm another 6,500 kills if I want the silver trophy.
Congratulations on those plats especially Absolute Drift ;)
Bioshock: Burial at Sea DLC. Finished part 1 with all the trophies, and about half way through part 2.
Minerva’s Den DLC will next next on the list.
Not a lot for me this week,Destiny and some PES 2017 and believe that’s it.
Transitioning Peasant
Tedious week of gaming for me this week. Got roped into playing 50 rounds of a free to play Frozen game with the Mrs for a trophy (the horror…)
Played the Forza Horizon 3 demo, which was amazing. The full game is already on my Christmas list.
Oh, I picked up a copy of PES2017 on my lunch break today considering its already been discounted to £26. Hopefully play a round or two over the weekend.
Mostly NMS and R&C this week but i was also away from my PS4 for a few days. Also played some Driveclub and replayed a few Flower levels. I picked up Dirt Rally but i’ll need to make room before i can install it, which means i’ll be completing my Uncharted trilogy playthrough first, already started the third game so not too long to go now and i’ll be rolling my car like the best of them, probably on the first bend.
I mostly played and finished The Wolf among us. Quite a good game, good art style and thrilling story. It’s not too long, but ok with regard to the price, but I got it in a sale. The ending, however, I found slightly disappointing, as I would’ve expected more from Bloody Mary, who was introduced as a promising character. Maybe a traumatised Red Riding Hood witch reveal or something like that.
The major event this week in gaming for me, completely changing my outlook on life in general, was of course the rumour that Alien:Isolation might come out on PSVR. Finally, there is hope again, after all these years of desperation.