Windlands 2 Swings On To Oculus Rift Next Year

The original Windlands game launched amongst a sea of ‘experiences’ and short demos when the Rift was just finding it’s feet and gained instant recognition purely for the fact that it was a full game. The sequel, which has just been announced, will keep the core mechanic of swinging about under candy coloured trees, but adds a social aspect with co-op gameplay.

Windlands 2 will be ‘hitting Oculus Rift first’ next year, the first game came to PSVR (we gave it a very respectable 7/10) so the sequel will probably follow suit.

Source: YouTube

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News Editor, very inappropriate, probs fancies your dad.

1 Comment

  1. I need to play the first game, picked it up along with a few more VR games in the summer sale but haven’t gotten around to it yet. Sounds promising if they’re planning a sequel.

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