Gears Pop & Gears Tactics Are Two Very Different Gears Of War Games

It wasn’t exactly what people expected when they saw the Gears of War cog pop up on screen – don’t worry, they saved it – but The Coalition announced two spin off games set in the Gears of War franchise.

The first is Gears Pop, a collaboration with those Funko Pops figurines and a mobile game coming to iOS and Android. Yeah, I know…

The second is much more promising looking. Gears Tactics looks to do for Gears what Mario + Rabbids did for Mario, blending Gears of War with XCOM-like turn-based tactics gameplay and a prequel to the first Gears of War.

We’ll update this article with proper trailers, as soon as we can.

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I'm probably wearing toe shoes, and there's nothing you can do to stop me!