The First Gameplay Footage Of Rebel Galaxy Outlaw Has Arrived

A few days ago Double Damage revealed Rebel Galaxy Outlaw, a sort of prequel to Rebel Galaxy. The reveal informed us that you could move in a 3D plane instead of piloting a ship across Space on a 2D one. Now the first gameplay footage has arrived showing a game that seems to focus a lot more on dogfighting and moving quick, compared to piloting bigger ships in the original and going broadside against others.

Double Damage also confirmed Rebel Galaxy Outlaw will be released for PS4, PC and Switch.

Source: YouTube

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From the heady days of the Mega Drive up until the modern day gaming has been my main hobby. I'll give almost any game a go.


  1. The space galleon/black sails type combat put me off the original, might give this another look though.

  2. Genuinely enjoyed the first one and didn’t realise this was a thing. Sure, it wasn’t a great game but a good time-waster nonetheless. :-)

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