Bungie Trademark A New Game Called Matter

Oh dear, what can the Matter be?

Bungie have trademarked a new game, do you see!

It’s colourful, bright, and could confuse buzzing  honey bees,

Matter, what is it, do you care?


Entertainment services, namely, providing video games,

Is the category to which it is registered, that isn’t all that strange,

We know little else, but we hope that will soon change,

Matter, what is it, do you care?


The logo is colourful, bright and says Matter,

It looks like someone has made a paint splatter,

Rage 2 is quite similar, I bet they’re mad as some hatters,

Matter, what is it, do you care?


It may be a game going East, maybe the Chinese,

Bungie are now partly owned by NetEase,

It really could be a game for just those overseas,

Matter, what is it, do you care?


And so we draw close top the end of this ditty,

I hope you have found it joyful, rather than awful and… bad

I’ve been told never to do this is again, such a a pity,

Matter, what is it, do you care?


(To be sung to the tune of “Oh dear, what can the matter be”)

Source: ResetEra 


Written by
News Editor, very inappropriate, probs fancies your dad.


  1. Tuffcub you clearly have way too much time on your hands! Good stuff though, enjoyed that.

  2. No wonder Johnny didn’t return from the fair. :P

  3. Articles like these are why even though I stopped interacting, I still lurked all these years.

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