Mario Kart Tour has been postponed until summer

Tucked in amidst all the good, great, amazing news of Nintendo Switch sales and blockbusting game releases, Nintendo did have to admit to a setback for their plans with mobile gaming. Mario Kart Tour has been delayed until summer.

In the smart-device business, Mario Kart Tour was scheduled to be released this fiscal year, but in order to improve quality of the application and expand the content offerings after launch, the release date has been moved to summer 2019. As we endeavor to develop future planned applications, we will also focus on continued service operations for applications that have already been released so that consumers can enjoy playing them for a long time.

Nintendo’s mobile endeavours started quite strongly, but have lacked consistency. Fire Emblem Heroes has done well, but Super Mario Run petered out and Miitomo was the first to end up on the chopping block. Mario Kart Tour should be an easy win, so fingers cross this is for polish as opposed to fixing fundamental flaws.

Source: Nintendo

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I'm probably wearing toe shoes, and there's nothing you can do to stop me!

1 Comment

  1. I hope it doesn’t follow in the footsteps of the GT games with delay after delay.

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