Sony will “never walk away from” story-based games

With Uncharted 4, Horizon Zero Dawn, Spider-Man, and God of War all either exceeding or getting close to ten million sales it’s good to know that Sony will not be stepping away from narrative driven story games.

PlayStation CEO Jim Ryan spoke to CNET and was discussed ‘full story experiences’ and games that are run as a service.

“We’ve never had greater success with our own narrative-driven, story-based games than we’re having right now,” said Jim. “We feel good about that, and it’s certainly not a genre of gaming we’ll ever walk away from.”

“Service games, when done well, will continue to be popular and grow in popularity. But only as the overall gaming ecosystem grows, and more people are playing more and more games longer and longer.”

He also spoke about game streaming and the evolution of PlayStation Now, specifically mentioning the collaboration, the ‘ Memorandum of Understanding’ as he calls it, with Microsoft for streaming architecture.

“We have a cloud gaming service right now, and we’ve added on it for a number of years, I think maybe we’ve been a bit guilty of not talking about it enough,” said Jim. “Now we’re in 19 countries, we have 170 publishers on board, 780 games in the States.”

“We’ve actually achieved a lot, and probably a lot more than people realize. And our intent is to build on those learnings and really look to try to take PlayStation Now to the next level later this year and then in the years to come.”

Jim also commented on the launch of next gen PlayStation console saying “This transition is probably gonna be more interesting than any other we’ve seen in the past.”

“We, through our actions and recent announcements, believe that there is a great market for next generation console. But it’s not binary. It’s not like, in three weeks time or three years time, the console world stops, and a console-less world — however that may look — will suddenly take over,” he added.

Source: CNET

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News Editor, very inappropriate, probs fancies your dad.

1 Comment

  1. Perhaps I’m in the minority, but I can’t stand “live service” games. I want to play a curated game made with foresight from beginning to end, not a soap opera that’s made up along the way like Lost.

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