Over the weekend reports of the multiplayer servers for Killzone Mercenary had been shut down by Sony came out. However, usually when Sony is going to shut down the servers of a game the company puts out an announcement through its game servers site, but it seemed that Killzone Mercenary’s multiplayer servers had been turned off with no notice to players, and it was not listed on the list on Sony’s server shutdown site.
Before publishing this story we did a check as some people were posting that the servers are working, and decided to check the servers for ourselves by digging out the Vitas and our copies of Killzone Mercenary. Both Tef and I managed to join a lobby after we updated our PS Vitas and game files, so it was probably just a minor glitch over the weekend. So, if you fancy playing Killzone Mercenary’s multiplayer you can go ahead and do so. Just make sure everything is updated and then join whichever public lobby you wish too. All game modes including Mercenary Warfare, Guerrilla Warfare, and Warzone are there to pick from.
If you never played Killzone Mercenary this is what Blair thought of the handheld spinoff in his review:
So, while Mercenary might not be the best shooter in the world, in its own field – as a handheld title – it’s almost perfect; there’s no other experience like this on a device as small as this. And, judging the game from that perspective, it’s an experience that will stick with you for a long time, much like GoldenEye, Call of Duty 4 and other revolutionary shooters have managed in the past, and one entirely worthy of its acclaim.
This isn’t just a game you need to buy if you own a Vita, this is the game you buy a Vita for.
You can read the full review here.
Source: We checked