Steam Summer Game Festival features over 900 game demos, including some Epic Games Store timed exclusives

The Steam Summer Game Festival has kicked off, a huge bonanza of up and coming games all trying to grab your attention with free demos to try out for a limited time. The company has held similar events in the past, but without a proper E3 in 2020, it’s bigger and more important for developers than ever, hoping to get enough people to Wishlist and follow their games.

Of 500 game demos are featured, alongside a new Steam Labs New Hub that features gameplay streams, developer interview and links to game hubs. While a lot of the games are indie titles, there’s also some big hitters, including former Epic Games Store exclusives like Superliminal, and Quantic Dream’s trio of Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls and Detroit: Become Human.

That’s before we get to big upcoming games like Windjammers 2, Grounded, Cris Tales, Phogs! and so much more.

All of the demos are available right now, but will expire on Monday 22nd June, giving you just under a week to check them out.

Steam is doing a pretty good job of highlighting the various demos available – head to the Game Festival page for all of them – but with so very many to choose from, here’s a bunch we’ve found that you might want to take a look at and the platforms they’re coming to:

Let us know if there’s any gems that you’ve checked out, or games that are piquing your interest.

Source: Many, many press releases

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I'm probably wearing toe shoes, and there's nothing you can do to stop me!

1 Comment

  1. Steam..? That’s the service by this shady company Valve, that – in contrast to other big players in the games market – does not take a clear stand with regard to Black Lives Matter, so that some developers take their games from the platform, right..?

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