Recently, DICE announced that it would not be releasing any more major content for Battlefield V due to moving onto its next projects. However, there are some quality of life updates being pushed out and today update 1.36, also known as 7.1, has been released to address some issues. For example, the K31/43 will not be fire an extra bullet when switching modes but it will be more accurate. The cosmetics that went missing in the last update have been fixed as well, and in Provence players should not get stuck on the ammo box anymore. There’s also a note that says M is no more, so RIP to M I guess. The full notes can be read below.
Battlefield V update 7.1/1/.36 patch notes
m, no more.
K31/43 is no longer able to fire an extra bullet while switching firing modes
K31/43 no longer has accuracy issues
Welrod now properly has 6+1 magazine size and operates as open bolt
Fixed some instances where K31/43 sniper scopes had the German post crosshair instead of the correct Swiss crosshair.
Fixed an issue what would cause the soldiers models to not show in the frontend
Fixed the cosmetics that went missing with the previous update
Fixed the Welrod Master Dogtag which had the incorrect icon
Provence – Players will no longer get stuck on top of the ammo box
Provence – The water on the map is no longer bulletproof
Twisted Steel – Frontlines – Removed the vehicles for the US team within the squad reinforcement menu
Outpost – Fixed an exploit that could give a team an unfair scoring advantage
General stability improvements
The size of the update per platform will be 2.13 GB on Xbox One, 1.26 GB on PS4, and 3.65GB on PC.
Source: Reddit