As you make your way through Tsushima you will be awarded different Ghost of Tsushima charms that can give different advantages to Jin. These charms are modifiers that offer bonuses for melee, ranged, stealth, and utility abilities.
They are divided into two categories; Major and Minor and you can equip two Major charms and up to four Minor charms depending on how many charm slots you have unlocked. The charms are awarded to Jin for completing missions and for honouring Shinto Shrines.
There are quite a lot of them and we have listed every Ghost of Tsushima charm you can find below. Note that there is likely an error in the description of the Charm of Fortune as both versions grant the same bonus. The list will be updated if that is addressed.
Ghost of Tsushima Major Charms
- Charm of Nigihayahi-No-Mikoto (Melee Charm) – Deal Moderate damage while at full health
- Charm of Kagu-Tsuchi (Melee Charm) – Deal bonus damage when at 50% health or less
- Charm of Ryuujin (Melee Charm) – Recover Kunai after performing perfect dodge
- Charm of Takemikazuchi (Melee Charm) – Killing an enemy increases Melee damage by a minor amount for a few seconds
- Charm of Shinatsuhiko (Melee Charm) – Staggering an enemy prevents interrupted melee attacks for six seconds
- Charm of Susanoo (Melee Charm) – Staggered enemies have a 30% chance to be knocked down
- Charm of Izanagi (Ranged Charm) – Landing a headshot has a 40% chance to return an arrow
- Charm of Azumi-No-Isora (Ranged Charm) – Arrows are silent on impact
- Charm of Amaterasu (Defence Charm) – Killing enemies restores a moderate amount of health
- Charm of Izanami (Defence Charm) – Iron Will now revives you at 50% of your maximum health
- Charm of Okuninushi (Defence Charm) – Slowly recover health while out of combat
- Charm of Ikazuch-No-Kami (Defence Charm) – Perks and abilities that Terrify are 25% more likely to occur
- Charm of Incineration (Defence Charm) Enemies struck by Black Powder Bombs catch on fire and deal Burn damage to nearby foes
- Charm of Hoori-No-Mikoto (Stealth Charm) – Remain hidden when assassinating enemies from grass
- Charm of Tsukuyomi (Stealth Charm) – Assassinated enemies drop additional ammo or supplies
- Charm of Toxic Demise (Stealth Charm) – Wind Chimes release poison vapours that kill enemies who pick them up
- Charm of Inari (Utility Charm) – Increases supplies, predator hides, bamboo, and yew wood gained from collecting
- Charm of Hidden Blades (Utility Charm) – Throw two additional Kunai
- Charm of Unseen Respite (Utility Charm) – Smoke Bombs restore 25% of your health
- Charm of Uneven Standing (Utility Charm) – Sticky Bombs knock down all affected targets, leaving them vulnerable for longer
Ghost of Tsushima Minor Charms
- Charm of Ferocity (Melee Charm) – Moderate increase to melee damage
- Charm of Bludgeoning (Melee Charm) – Moderate increase to stagger damage
- Charm of Advantage (Melee Charm) – Ghost weapons deal 20% more damage
- Charm of Dual Destruction I (Melee Charm) – Attacks have a 5% chance to deal double damage
- Charm of Dual Destruction II (Melee Charm) – Attacks have a 10% chance to deal double damage
- Charm of Inari’s Might (Melee Charm) – Increases health and melee damage by a massive amount
- Charm of Efficiency (Ranged Charm) – 15% increase to nocking and reload speed
- Charm of Precision (Ranged Charm) – Moderate increase to arrow damage
- Yuriko’s Keepsake (Ranged Charm) – Arrows have a 15% chance to poison enemies
- Charm of Swift Return (Ranged Charm) – Missed standard arrows have a 25% chance of being recoverable
- Charm of Resistance I (Defence Charm) – Reduces all damage by a minor amount
- Charm of Resistance II (Defence Charm) – Reduces all damage by a moderate amount
- Charm of Resistance III (Defence Charm) – Reduces all damage by a major amount
- Charm of Vitality (Defence Charm) – Moderate increase to health
- Charm of Immunity (Defence Charm) – 15% chance for enemy arrows to deal no damage
- Charm of Unyielding I (Defence Charm) – Moderately reduces damage taken while at 50% health or less
- Charm of Unyielding II (Defence Charm) – Majorly reduces damage taken while at 50% health or less
- Charm of Broken Barriers (Defence Charm) – Breaking an enemy’s defence grants 15% Resolve
- Charm of Rejuvenation (Defence Charm) – Slowly recover up to 2 Resolve while in combat
- Charm of Fortitude (Defence Charm) – 20% chance to survive lethal damage and gain Resolve
- Charm of Shadows (Stealth Charm) – Reduces enemy detection speed by 10%
- Charm of the Lost Mind (Stealth Charm) – Hallucinating enemies deal 50% more damage to other enemies
- Charm of Fire Doctrine (Stealth Charm) – Burning an enemy has a 15% chance to Terrify nearby enemies
- Charm of Hidden Sight (Stealth Charm) – Enemies stop hunting for you 40% faster
- Charm of Silence (Stealth Charm) – Reduces enemy detection speeds by 15% and increases Resolve gain by a massive amount
- Charm of Well Being I (Utility Charm) – Receive an additional 7.5% of health when healing
- Charm of Divine Healing I (Utility Charm) – While at 50% health or less, healing recovers an additional 15% of health
- Charm of Divine Healing II (Utility Charm) – While at 50% health or less, healing recovers an additional 30% of health
- Charm of Resolve I (Utility Charm) – 15% increase to Resolve gain
- Charm of Resolve II (Utility Charm) – 25% increase to Resolve gain
- Charm of Fortune I (Utility Charm) – Effects with a % chance to occur are 50% more likely to occur
- Charm of Fortune II (Utility Charm) – Effects with a % chance to occur are 50% more likely to occur
- Charm of Fortunate Return (Utility Charm) – Abilities that use Resolve have a 15% chance to refund 1 Resolve
Ghost of Tsushima Guides from TheSixthAxis
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