The Last of Us Part 2 Grounded DLC update coming this week

Naughty Dog has announced a free new update for The Last of Us: Part II, adding a slew of options and features to their latest PlayStation epic.

Without even sifting through the list below, fans of the series will already have a good idea of what this new Grounded update entails. Following the original game’s launch in 2013, Grounded was released as a DLC pack for The Last of Us, adding a brutal new difficulty setting.

Well, that’s exactly what you’ll be getting when the free patch drops on Thursday, August 13th. It will weigh in at just under 600MB, bringing The Last of Us: Part II to version 1.05.

The headline feature here is the new Grounded difficulty which strips away the game’s listen mode feature, minimises the HUD, and peels back other elements such as stealth indicators. For those wanting to play The Last of Us: Part II again, there’s an option for Grounded+.

Naughty Dog will also be adding a Permadeath mode, too. Die once and you’ll be sent back to the main menu with a screen showing just how long/far you managed to get. There are two bonus trophies being added to the exiting list for completing TLOU2 in both new modes. Don’t worry, you won’t need these for the platinum!

For those wanting to wring some fun extras from The Last of Us: Part II, there is now a wide selection of render modes which alter the game’s visuals. These can range from warm and sepia tones to the more stylised Noir-like 1960 render mode, cell-shading, or murky afterlife mode. Many of these featured in Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End.

Rounding out this update is a spread of gameplay modifiers. Again, similar to Uncharted 4, they add different ways to play with slow motion and bullet speed mode (time slows when aiming), as well as more conventional cheats like infinite ammo, health, and melee weapon durability.

Source: Press Release

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