Monster Hunter Rise – 7 things you need to know

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During last week’s Nintendo Direct Mini showcase, Capcom showed off not one, but two new Monster Hunter titles.

Naturally it’s Monster Hunter Rise which has fans talking, Capcom confirming that this latest entry in the popular franchise will launch exclusively for Nintendo Switch on March 26, 2021.

The above trailer gives us a pretty in-depth look at Monster Hunter Rise, showing off some of the new creatures and features being introduced to the series. However, those who stuck around after the Direct may have watched the follow-up panel explaining what was shown in this debut footage.

Monster Hunter series producer, Ryozo Tsujimoto and Monster Hunter Rise director, Yasunori Ichinose, touched on a number of core elements we’ll go into now.

1. First up, we have the dual inspiration behind Monster Hunter Rise. The name, according to Tsujimoto, reflects the enhanced verticality Capcom have woven into the game with new movement and traversal options. The publisher also see this as a return to Monster Hunter’s roots as a primarily handheld gaming series and one best played with friends.

2. In Monster Hunter Rise, players can climb and run across surfaces, scaling cliffs and using the new Wirebug tool to gives themselves mid-air grapple. Think of it as a Spider-Man swing, which can be used in combination with weapon attacks or with a dodge manoeuvre in combat.

3. Much like the sublime Monster Hunter: World, this new game will feature large scale open maps. Instead of being broken into sections separated by small loading screens, in Rise you can seamlessly travel and pursue monster between areas. Along with the verticality, this helps beef up the game’s sense of scale.

4. As well as Felyne Palico companions, you can also train your own Palamute. This wolf-like Canyne allows you to ride, moving faster without depleting your stamina. While mounted you can also use certain items, the Palamute being an aggressive attacker during combat encounters. Capcom confirmed that you can take up to 2 companions on a hunt in solo play, or one each in multiplayer.

5. Let’s talk about the new monsters. Capcom wasn’t shy in revealing a handful of the creatures from its updated bestiary including Rise’s flagship monster, the Magnamalo. We also copped a look at the bird-like Aknosom, the Great Izuchi, and the Tetranadon. Where the Great Izuchi will attack in co-ordination with smaller monsters, the Tetranadon is a large amphibian which changes its attack pattern as it inflates, sucking up earth.

6. One feature Capcom mentions is the improved interaction between monsters. We saw of this in Monster Hunter: World with monsters attacking one another in set piece struggles. There’s more of that to come in Rise though the developer also teased something related which they’re not willing to show off just yet.

7. Of course, Monster Hunter Rise has its own base where hunters will socialise as well as craft/upgrade gear, purchase items from vendors, and prepare for their excursions into the surrounding wilderness. Kamura Village also plays host to a number of characters that will help guide the game’s story – you’ll notice they also have English voiceovers.

Monster Hunter Rise launches next March and is currently available to pre-order via the Nintendo eShop with a pricier deluxe version cramming in some bonus items. We also know that a new range of Nintendo amiibo will be launching alongside it with additional cross-compatibility with Monster Hunter Stories 2.

There’s still plenty Capcom has yet to show including monsters and environments, as well as the “rampage” they keep mentioning. Perhaps this is a new quest-type: maybe one that will involve a party of more than four hunters? We’ll have to wait and see!

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Senior Editor bursting with lukewarm takes and useless gaming trivia. May as well surgically attach my DualSense at this point.