Here’s a double dose of Rocket League news to brighten your day. Alongside their newest update for the hugely popular online game, developer Psyonix have also introduced their Fortnite “Llama-Rama” crossover event.
Rocket League update 1.82 is now live on all available platforms including PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC. You’ll need to download and install this newest version before you can hop online and start playing again. For the full 1.82 patch notes read further down.
It’s a huge week for the SARPBC sequel for a number of reasons. Having just gone free-to-play, Rocket League has also kicked off its first live season which includes a Rocket Pass loaded with more than 70 tiers of unlockable rewards. This new feature layers on some extra replayability via challenges and a stream of bonuses with more available to those fans who cough up for Rocket Pass Premium.
Hang on, there’s even more news. Rocket League has scored its own Fortnite crossover event with a series of Event Challenges being added to the game this Saturday, September 26 at 11PM BST UK time, through until October 12. Each challenge comes tagged with its own Fortnite themed reward – completing them all will award you with the Battle Bus.
Rocket League Update 1.82 Patch Notes
User Interface
- The Play Menu will now correctly remember the last chosen Competitive or Extra Modes Playlist between sessions
- Casual playlists will also be saved and highlighted starting in our next update
The Play Menu will now correctly remember the last chosen Playlist between sessions
Fixed a bug causing team color adjustments to change which preset is being customized
[Steam] Fixed Steam input support for controllers including Sony DualShock 4, Nintendo Switch Pro Controller
Glowing wall cage effect fixed in Mannfield, Farmstead
Fixed a bug preventing successful friend invites to Nintendo Switch accounts on the ‘Recent Players’ list
NBA flags now appear correctly when customizing a car
For more on Rocket League, you can beam yourself back to 2015 to read our original review of the game at launch.
Source: Rocket League