The new PlayStation Store for PC & mobile is starting to go live

Sony are rolling out a brand-new web and mobile browser version of the PlayStation Store, to coincide with the upcoming launch of the PlayStation 5 and the renewed UI of the company’s next-gen console.

Images of the new design and pre-orders for next-gen games that have gone line have been captured by users on Resetera, Reddit and beyond. You can see the general style here:

And there’s more in this Imgur repository:

New PlayStation Store PS5 Games

The store is currently available to view in some parts of the world, with a staggered shift on computer from now until 26th October for computer, and then by 28th October on mobile. It adopts a layout and design more in keeping with the main website.

However, even in areas where the new store design is visible, the work is seemingly unfinished. While we knew that the Wishlist function would be disappearing, store pages also seem to lack file size information and game screenshots, while there’s no way to filter listings and a lack of distinction between full games and add-ons.

We expect those functions to reappear over the coming days. Some things that definitely won’t be reappearing are games from before the PlayStation 4 era, which are being hidden from view. You will no longer be able to buy the following currently available content from the web store, but can still access purchased content and browse on their respective platforms:

    • PlayStation®3 games and add-ons
    • PSPâ„¢ (PlayStation®Portable) games and add-ons
    • PlayStation®Vita games and add-ons
    • Apps
    • Themes
    • Avatars

This all comes hot on the heels of the PlayStation 5 UI reveal yesterday, which showcased the speed of the system, the Control Centre overlay that provides access to pretty much all system features while in game, the new PlayStation Activites and card-based interface, and more. A part of the change is that the PlayStation Store will be baked into the main system software and not be a separate app.

There have also been other foundational changes made over the last few weeks. The PlayStaiton 4 was updated to system software 8.00 making fundamental changes to how parties and messages work to tie into the new philosophy behind social interactions on PS5 – much to the chagrin of some users – and the standalone PS Messages mobile app is being discontinued as the feature will be integrated back into a new PlayStation App on smartphone.

Source: Resetera, Reddit

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I'm probably wearing toe shoes, and there's nothing you can do to stop me!


  1. Does it work in Safari? For the past few months now I’ve kept getting messages saying my browser isn’t supported and I’ve been unable to login, yet it works fine in the app on the same device…

    • Same question for me, I have to run Firefox for the sole purpose of PS store

  2. Is there any decent third party service picking up the shattered pieces Sony leaves behind, e.g. wishlist functionality with notifications if items are on sale?

    Given my PS3 still can do things my PS4 never managed, I’m prepared to keep the last 3 gens of consoles running for a while…

    • Try

      It lists all the latest sales, usually before Sony can get around to adding them to a sale section on the store, or even announcing the sale. And it gives a handy graph of price history, and there’s even an “Email me when the price drops” thing.

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