Dead By Daylight fans, if you’re reading this then there’s a good chance you already have your hands on a PS5 or Xbox Series X|S. Either that, or it’s sat in a van or warehouse somewhere, awaiting dispatch.
In the lead up to the launch of Sony’s next-gen system, various publishers and developers have come forward to announce PS5 upgrades for their games. While some games – such as Warhammer: Chaosbane Slayer Edition – are being sold as a separate, enhanced version, others will allow for a free upgrade, Dead By Daylight being one of them.
We’ve been testing the PS5’s games and features for the past couple of weeks now and while there’s a lot to love, some features don’t come tagged with explainers or are hidden away in submenus. This guide will quickly show you how to upgrade your existing copy of Dead By Daylight from PS4 to PS5. It’s dead simple, honest!
Of course, you will already need to have purchased a copy of Dead By Daylight on PlayStation 4, whether you purchased it as a direct download via the PlayStation Store or have a physical disc-based version.
There will be plenty of you that already own Dead By Daylight but don’t even know it! Back in August 2018, Sony included the multiplayer horror hit as part of its PlayStation Plus bonus game line-up alongside Mafia III. Even if you didn’t download and play it at the time, it may be in your library so go and check.
Once you’ve set up your PlayStation 5 and signed into the PSN profile used to originally buy Dead By Daylight, go into the PlayStation Store and look for the game (use the search bar if you’re having issues).
Even when you’ve found the Dead By Daylight page, you may miss where to upgrade to PS5. If you press download then you’ll likely end up installing the PS4 version instead. When on the store page, look to the right side and you’ll see an icon for the PS5 upgrade (it’s sitting just above the trophies tab). We’ve attached a screenshot (depicting the same screen, but with Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla) below so you know where to look.
From what we’ve played of Dead By Daylight on PS5, it’s certainly a step up when compared to last-gen versions. It runs at an improved framerate though it’s hard to say whether the upgrade in visual fidelity is hugely noticeable. Thankfully, if you’ve previously played on PS4 then your progress will transfer over seamlessly including your online progress and purchases.
We recently re-reviewed Dead By Daylight for 2020, increased the game’s original score. In other Dead By Daylight news, developer Behaviour Interactive has just unveiled their newest upcoming chapter, “A Binding of Kin” which includes a new Killer – The Twins.