Hunter’s Arena Legends hits 300K daily players thanks to PS Plus

Hunter's Arena: Legends Worth Playing

Battle royale breakout, Hunter’s Arena, has topped 300,000 active daily users thanks in part to PS Plus.

Korean developer Mantisco announced that North American servers have exceeded 160,000 peak daily active users, with EU and Asia servers hitting 100,000.

These reported figures come just days after Hunter’s Arena: Legends hit version 1.0 on Steam. The game is currently being featured as August’s headline PlayStation Plus freebie. Given how many players subscribe to Sony’s online gaming service, it’s likely that many of players are PS5 and PS4 owners taking the battle royale game for a spin.

Is Hunter’s Arena Legends worth playing?

Pleased with game’s performance, Mantisco have already announced that more content is on the way. Expect new playable Legends, maps, and skins, as well as a cross-invite feature, allowing you to party up with other players, regardless of platform.

“We’re focusing on server stabilization as the amount of active users rises higher each day,” says Mantisco’s David Yoon. “It seems like our efforts of creating a one-of-a-kind combat system and listening to our players’ feedback during Early Access paid off. We will continue to improve the experience of Hunter’s Arena: Legends.”

Hunter’s Arena: Legends update 1.05 dropped earlier this week. Aside from a fresh wave of bug fixes and hero balancing, it introduced Season 1:

Pre-Season has come to an end and Season 1 is now here in Hunter’s arena. You will receive rewards based on your final rank at the end of the season.

Players with ‘Legend’ rank at the end of the season will be rewarded with a special Dalgi skin above and weapon skin that cannot be purchased with SP.

Start climbing the ladder as Season 1 is already here.
Season 1 ends Thursday, September 30th.

Followings are the rank-based rewards.
Solo – Legend 500th place or above: Sandy’s Hunter’s Ranger skin + Tau’s ancient weapon
Solo – Legend: Tau’s ancient weapon
Solo – Diamon & Platinum: Will receive SP based on the ranking.

Trio – Legend 500th place or above: Dalgi’s Hunter’s Ranger skin + Geon Hong ancient weapon
Trio – Legend: Geon Hong’s ancient weapon
Trio – Diamond & Platinum: Will receive SP based on the ranking.

Tag Match – Legend: Moo Myung’s ancient weapon
Tag Match – Diamon: Will receive SP based on the ranking.

* Ancient weapons and Hunter’s Ranger skins can’t be purchased with SP.
* Rank-based rewards will be given out following the end of each season.
* If you already own any rewarded skin or emote, a corresponding amount of SP will be given to you instead.
* Top three players of each game mode will receive extra special rewards. (More details on this will be revealed later.)

Having played dozens of battle royale games over the past few years, Hunter’s Arena: Legends is definitely a standout. This is mainly thanks to its fast-paced melee combat as well as the imaginative design of the game’s heroes and monsters.

Source: Press release

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Senior Editor bursting with lukewarm takes and useless gaming trivia. May as well surgically attach my DualSense at this point.